I need to move my existing Project Server 2003 and WSS 2003 using SQL
Server 2000 instance to a new server. The Project Servere 2003 disaster
recovery describes a process for recovering your Project Server and WSS
instance but the machine must be named the same. I am looking for a way
to migare from SERVER1 to SERVER2. PSMIGART.exe affords you the
capability of migrating a Project Server 2002 and STS instance to a
Project Server 2003 and WSS instance, where the servers are not named
the same. Hence my thinking that perhaps PSMIGRAT.exe could be used to
perform the same function, where it is a 2003 to 2003 migrate. Any
Server 2000 instance to a new server. The Project Servere 2003 disaster
recovery describes a process for recovering your Project Server and WSS
instance but the machine must be named the same. I am looking for a way
to migare from SERVER1 to SERVER2. PSMIGART.exe affords you the
capability of migrating a Project Server 2002 and STS instance to a
Project Server 2003 and WSS instance, where the servers are not named
the same. Hence my thinking that perhaps PSMIGRAT.exe could be used to
perform the same function, where it is a 2003 to 2003 migrate. Any