I am most frustrated! I am trying to build a simple family web site
using FP 2003 and using my home pc as both ends. I have a static IP so do
not need a domain or hosting service. I have the following MS apps.
OS=XPMCE, IIS=5.1, Office XP Pro, and just recently installed FP 2003.
Everything is going fine until I ran into the simple limitations of FP
without server extensions / sharepoint team services. What is a website
unless I can allow simple interaction with family members such as discussion
threads or uploading files to share pictures etc.... It turns out that
FPSE2000 came with my OS which of course I need to upgrade so I download
FPSE2002 to at least get a few more items of use such as a page counter.
When I install FPSE2002 (fpse02_x86_eng) I get a message at the end of the
install that "The server administration programs and the server extensions on
the web server are not compatible. The administration program is too old to
use with this server". The installation then tells you installatioin is
complete. The IIS properties still only show the FPSE2000 tab (even after I
uninstall FPSE2000) and not the FPSE2002 tab and, of course, none of the
components work supported by FPSE2002. It appears that some components of
the latest sharepoint services is installed as I now find the sharepoint
administrator which does not work. It seems my answer is sharepoint team
services since I do not have Windows server 2003 (nor wish to pay for it for
a small website). The Microsoft Website claims you can run sharepoint team
services with FP2003 and without Windows server 2003
http://www.microsoft.com/office/frontpage/prodinfo/servers.mspx. Is this
correct? If so where can you download sharepoint team services. If not why
did Microsoft leave this large gap for those not running server 2003 and
using FP2003? Thanks so much if you can help me out! Everything was running
so well until this.
Jason Stoess
I am most frustrated! I am trying to build a simple family web site
using FP 2003 and using my home pc as both ends. I have a static IP so do
not need a domain or hosting service. I have the following MS apps.
OS=XPMCE, IIS=5.1, Office XP Pro, and just recently installed FP 2003.
Everything is going fine until I ran into the simple limitations of FP
without server extensions / sharepoint team services. What is a website
unless I can allow simple interaction with family members such as discussion
threads or uploading files to share pictures etc.... It turns out that
FPSE2000 came with my OS which of course I need to upgrade so I download
FPSE2002 to at least get a few more items of use such as a page counter.
When I install FPSE2002 (fpse02_x86_eng) I get a message at the end of the
install that "The server administration programs and the server extensions on
the web server are not compatible. The administration program is too old to
use with this server". The installation then tells you installatioin is
complete. The IIS properties still only show the FPSE2000 tab (even after I
uninstall FPSE2000) and not the FPSE2002 tab and, of course, none of the
components work supported by FPSE2002. It appears that some components of
the latest sharepoint services is installed as I now find the sharepoint
administrator which does not work. It seems my answer is sharepoint team
services since I do not have Windows server 2003 (nor wish to pay for it for
a small website). The Microsoft Website claims you can run sharepoint team
services with FP2003 and without Windows server 2003
http://www.microsoft.com/office/frontpage/prodinfo/servers.mspx. Is this
correct? If so where can you download sharepoint team services. If not why
did Microsoft leave this large gap for those not running server 2003 and
using FP2003? Thanks so much if you can help me out! Everything was running
so well until this.
Jason Stoess