I would like to be able to create macros that include searching my current
document, then blocking, copying and pasting chosen info in other parts of my
document but haven't been able to get the macro to record this function. For
example, when I reach the second and subsequent pages while transcribing a
medical report, I would like a macro to search the beginning of the document
copy the patient's name, possibly medical record number and date; page down
to the second page; paste the copied info; and add "Page 2." Is this
document, then blocking, copying and pasting chosen info in other parts of my
document but haven't been able to get the macro to record this function. For
example, when I reach the second and subsequent pages while transcribing a
medical report, I would like a macro to search the beginning of the document
copy the patient's name, possibly medical record number and date; page down
to the second page; paste the copied info; and add "Page 2." Is this