Can I use two forms to enter data into one record?



I have a form that I use for data entry for audits. On this form I have
fields for comments on 5 different areas. I have limited it to five because
I need the form to be displayed on one screen without scrolling. Is there
anyway to use a second form to enter data onto the same record. What I would
like to happen is for the user to enter comments on the first form, click a
button that brings up the second form. Enter data onto the second form.
With all of the data entered to be stored in one record for reporting. Any


Why not just use a tab control on your form with the main fields on one tab
and other fields on the second tab?

Or, since you seem to be adding in multiple comments related to one record,
create a normalized one-to-many relationship. You would then have your main
form with all the fields, and a continuous sub-form where one or more
comments could be added.


How about using a Tab Control to group your controls? Users can then fill in
one section of the record, tab to the next page, enter another group of
entries, etc...


were you able to do this?i;ve got the same problem but i cant usde tab
control because doent work for me..

Rick Brandt

balla said:
were you able to do this?i;ve got the same problem but i cant usde tab
control because doent work for me..

Please elaborate on "doesn't work". A TabControl is merely a way to make a
larger form fit on the screen. If one giant form would do the job then
there is no reason why a form with a TabControl cannot be made to work.

This will usually cause write conflicts because to Access one user editing
the same record with two forms is identical to two completely different
users editing the same record. Always saving and refreshing as you move
between forms "might' solve that problem, but then you have difficulties
with required fields and other validation.

Use a single form with a TabControl. If desired you can even set the style
of the TabControl to "None" and use buttons to change pages. This would
give almost the same appearance as separate forms to the user.

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