3D viewing can mean many different things. i.e. a basic 3D view must deliver
X and Y axis demension and the Z axis depth. (height, width depth), more
complex 3D viewing invokes vanishing point perspective. the further an abject
is away from the point of focus the smaller it becomes.
more complex again is the notion of dynamic 3D viewing, where the user has
control of the 3D image and can manipulate the viewing point as if flying a
helicopter around the image from horizon to xenith.
yet more complex again is the notion of 3D dynamic virtuality, where the
viewing point is internally situated within the image.
I have found 3D drawing within visio possible , yet restrictive. dynamic 3d
rotation may be implemented using custom made macro automation.
To accurately twist a shape in 3D the basic formula is along the lines of Y
= sinx, I can be more specific if you require.
My major problem is the ability to accuately twist curves about all three 3D
axis so if anyone has a solution i am eager to learn.