Can IE and Word work together (screenshots)


Gregg Parrish

I am writing word Docs for software testing. I have developed macros to
automate the insert, format, and move to next insertion point but a lot of my
time is spent in the following process:

Switch to the web application
Perform the required steps
(Screenshot Process begin)
press alt+PrintScreen to capture the web app screenshot
Alt+tab to Word
Press the correct hotkey to perform the correct insert/format/goto next
Switch back to the web application
(Process Repeats hundreds of times a day)

Is there a way to create VB or VBA to allow me to do it this way:

Perform the test step in the web App
Click a button/Press hotkeys (screnshot process occurs)
Perform the next step in the test script

Thank you very much in advance for your help.

Armin Freiberg

This is maybe not what you looked for but how I would do it (and have done
in similar situations): Use AutoIt / AutoHotKey. Both are freeware, can be
programmed, AutoIt has a Macro Recorder, they can wait for certain
circumstances before launching actions etc.

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