Can MS Office 2007 (Beta2) be used after the expiry date ?


Mr. Low

Dear Sir,

I noticed that after installing the Beta 2 Technical Refresh for MS Office
2007, I am now not able to open any file saved before the update. The system
also disallowed me to open and save file after this Beta 2 Technical Refresh.

1. May I know if this is due to a flaw in the software ? Or is the program
deliberately set to limit the unauthorized usage other than testing and
providing feedback to Microsoft on the worksheet features / functionality ?

2. May I know if I am able to use this software to save and retrieve
information after the expiry at a reduced functionality ? As I am a genuine
XP user who had traded the original MS Works (OEM Edition) for this trial
ware, I sincerely hope that you could grant usage to me and many others who
had contributed many new ideas for the product improvement.

I would be glad if you could give me a good answer to my enquiry above

Kind Regards

Low Seng Kuang

Bernard Liengme

Firstly, the questions here are not read by Microsoft - just by other users
who reply to help each other.
No, when it expires, it expires.
It is a beta product and you cannot expect everything to work so it should
not have been used for 'real' work.
best wishes

Nick Hodge

Further to Bernard's reply, It will 'expire' by end of March 2007 when the
full product skus will be available. You will be able to 'upgrade' 2007
B2TR1 but no earlier betas of 2007, obviously there will be upgrade paths
from earlier versions of the full product, but I doubt an upgrade from
Works, this was dropped at XL95, Office 2007 betas will become totally
unusable at this time unless upgraded

Nick Hodge
Microsoft MVP - Excel
Southampton, England

(e-mail address removed)

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