Can no longer print report to a folder I specify



I have a problem where I am trying to print a PDF file to a certain folder.
However Access always puts it under My Documents.
This is not all the code, but just the part where I try and print to a
certain OutputFile.

Set objPDF = New PDFClass
With objPDF
.ReportName = "rptCompOOPRegionals"
.OutputFile = "P:\OOP\OOP-" & intCompetitionID & ".pdf"
.ShowMessages = 0
.OutputFile = "S:\AC\Regional\Common\Documents\2005-06 Regionals
OOP's\OOP-" & strSiteDate & ".pdf"

The crazy thing is that this was working just fine back in March. We
haven't had a need to use this part of the program and it hasn't changed. It
just will no longer print to the directory I specify.

Anyone else have trouble with this in Access?

Wei Lu [MSFT]

Hi Jason,

I would like to know if you specify the file path as "c:\", does this issue

Also, have you got any error message when you try to print the PDF file?


Wei Lu

Microsoft Online Community Support


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If I change it to "C:\" it still prints to the My Documents folder.

I do not get any errors when I click the button to print the rerport. It
used to print the report and place it in two different folders. It worked
fine. Then one day it stopped printing to those folders and always printing
to the My Documents folder on the individuals Computer.



Wei Lu [MSFT]

Hello Jason,

It seems that the PDFClass have something wrong. I would like to know if
anyother access file using the PDFClass have got the same issue?

Since this class is not provided by the Microsoft Access, I would strong
recommend you to contact the provider of this Class. Please note that we
are happy to help provide information on this issue for you, we recommend
that you work with the third party vendor for assistance with this.

You could update any information here that if you have any questions or
concerns, please feel free to let me know.


Wei Lu

Microsoft Online Community Support

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