Can not connect to IMAP server



I have been pulling my hair out trying to migrate the mail settings for some
of the people in my office from POP3 to IMAP. If I had my way, I would ditch
Outlook 2003 and go with Thunderbird. I have never been a big fan of
Outlook, but I am *really* starting to hate it now.

The problem that I am having is that for most of the machines I am trying to
migrate I can not get connected to the IMAP server. I enter all of the
correct connection details, but then I get an error like:

Task 'Checking for new mail in subscribed folders on Work.' reported error
(0x800CCC0E) : 'Outlook is unable to download folder (null) from the IMAP
e-mail server for account Work. Error: Unable to connect to the server. If
you continue to receive this message, contact your server administrator or
Internet service provider (ISP).'

Task 'Work: Folder:Inbox Check for new mail.' reported error (0x800CCC0E) :
'Outlook is unable to download folder Inbox from the IMAP e-mail server for
account Work. Error: Unable to connect to the server. If you continue to
receive this message, contact your server administrator or Internet service
provider (ISP).'

The error seems to be somewhat random. For instance, on my personal
machine, I setup 3 different accounts for testing. One would always work
perfectly the other two would always fail. Then, today, for no apparent
reason all 3 worked. I tried on a new machine where outlook had never been
used - using the same account settings that had always worked on my personal
machine - it always fails.

When I connect from Thunderbird, KMail or even telnet it works perfectly.
From Outlook... No go. I have been scouring internet sites searching for a
fix, but so far nothing I have tried has brought me any luck. Some of the
things that have been recommended include:

- Not using SSL (no good)
- Changing the 'Root Folder Path' (doesn't help and creates other problems)
- Creating an outlook 97 PST file (no good)
- Checking for error 4226 in the event viewer (not found)
- I disabled the antivirus programs on the machine (no good)

I finally resorted to sticking a packet sniffer on the network. Overview
of what happens:

- Outlook connects
- IMAP Server responds with capabilities and welcome string
- Outlook requests capabilities
- IMAP Server responds with capabilities string

Outlook is supposed to attempt to login at this point, but never does. I
thought maybe something in the capability string was annoying outlook, so
here it is:


There is no problem with the connection. I can do all of this from telnet
and thunderbird works perfectly.

Does anyone have any ideas?

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