Can not embed Illustrator .ai files in Word 2002



We need to be able to embed an illustrator file in word and there is an
object listed as Adobe Illustrator Artwork 12.0 but if I select it will try
to load Illustrator and then at the exact same point each time give an error

"This object was created in Adobe.
This application is not available to open this object.
Make sure the application is properly installed and that it has not been
deleted, moved, or renamed."

Why is this so? I can not find any documentation of this anywhere and do not
believe that it is a improper install as same on 9 computers. How can this be
fixed?? We have to be able to insert an Illustrator file in a word object and
be editable.


AV is not an issue.

Here is what I have done how.

1- installed xp on a wiped pc (no updates done)
2- installed windows 2002 (no updates done)
3- installed Illustrator CE (no updates done)

and it fails, no av is loaded at this point.


I think I found a/the root of the issue.

When using the Microsoft OLE/COM Object Viewer if I select
Object Classes,
All Classes,
Adobe Illustrator Artwork 12.0

I can see specs/details about the registry, but if I try and expand the
entries to see things such as IClientSecurity, IDataObject, IPersistFile,
etc. then I get the following error.

iClassFactory::CreateInstance failed.
Call was rejected by callee.

I am not sure if it is a windows error or Illustrator not setup correctly,
but I can expand this out on Illustrator 9 but not 12.

Any ideas?

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