While I was locked into my database this morning I
cleared out my password. Once I closed the database I've
not been able to get back in. I get a "You do not have
permission" message. I have tried everything!!! I have
created me *.mdw files, joined the actual system.mdw file
so the login prompts doesn't come up. When I do this I
can open all other databases and not get the prompt
except for the database that is giving me the permission
message. I've also taken admin out of the admins group,
assign me to the admins group for full permissions and
taken away permissions to the user group. These are some
suggestions I ran across in a news group forum. However,
no matter what I've tried I can't get into this one
database. I'm very desperate especially since I don't
have a backup (really dumb of me). I've been working on
this problem since 6:30 a.m. this morning and have a dead
line to copy some of the changes I made in this database
(the database that I can't open) to another database.
Anyone who has experienced this problem, or has any
advice I would greatly appreciate any help.
cleared out my password. Once I closed the database I've
not been able to get back in. I get a "You do not have
permission" message. I have tried everything!!! I have
created me *.mdw files, joined the actual system.mdw file
so the login prompts doesn't come up. When I do this I
can open all other databases and not get the prompt
except for the database that is giving me the permission
message. I've also taken admin out of the admins group,
assign me to the admins group for full permissions and
taken away permissions to the user group. These are some
suggestions I ran across in a news group forum. However,
no matter what I've tried I can't get into this one
database. I'm very desperate especially since I don't
have a backup (really dumb of me). I've been working on
this problem since 6:30 a.m. this morning and have a dead
line to copy some of the changes I made in this database
(the database that I can't open) to another database.
Anyone who has experienced this problem, or has any
advice I would greatly appreciate any help.