Can not open a Word Form



I have created a form in Word 2007 (Office Service Pack 1) for my Company.
Some of the users have already worked on the files, but after a day they
cannot open the document again. They get the next error. (It is not all the
users that get the message) and all of them save it in Word 2007 format.

Micorosoft Office Word:
The Office Open XML file SE HR.docx cannot be opened because there are
problems with the contnets.

Unspecified error
Location: Part:/word/document.xml, Line:2, Column: 57323

Tony Jollans

Are you saying that you have files that some users can open and others
cannot? Or just that some users are ending up with files that nobody can

If you could send me one of the broken files, I will take a look at it to
see if I can see what the problem may be.


Hi Tony
I send the Form to all the users. All of them can work on the form, but
suddenly some of the users can not open their own saved documents. They get
this message:

Unspecified error
Location: Part:/word/document.xml, Line:2, Column: 57323

BUT if they sign on with their own userid, on somebodies else pc, then there
is no problem. Then the document is open and they can work in the documents.

Tony Jollans

Interesting! ... Some questions, a couple of which you may not be able to
answer ..

Is the Form (that you send) a Template or a Document?
Is it in Word 2007 (.docx) or Word 97-2003 (.doc) format?
How do you send it? Is it on a network drive, or do you e-mail it?
If you e-mail it, do the users save it to disc before using it?
Do the users save their files to a network drive?
If not how do they access their file from another PC?
Can another user on the first PC open the document?
Can the original user open it in Word 2003 with the compatibility pack?

Is the error always at the same column number?
If you can examine it, what is the xml at that point?

Are all your users on the same release of Office (SP1)?

Phil J W

Wow, i logged on here becasue i have the same problem. I made a form, and
everyone can open it and make edits, but as soon as they save it and open
there save work they get the same error above excpet this time, its Location:
/word/header1.xml, Line: 2, Column: 6971....

This was created in word 2007 and i sbeing filled out by other users in
2007. I myslef saved it on my desckttop from the network and still receive
the same problem...


Phil J W

I have multiple formns ive created and they all return the same error, except
the culumn number changes...

Tony Jollans

Any chance you could send me the blank form, and a document that won't
open - and tell me what version of Word 2007 you have - SP1, SP2?


All the users are working with Office 2007, SP1.
I saved the form as a document and send the document with e:mail and they
saved it on the desktop and on the Network. The user sends me the form that
she could not open. I can open it on my pc, but I cannot open her form that
she sends to me on her pc. The problem is, when we save the Word 2007 Form
in Word 2003 (Compatibility mode), then some of the options are not working,
like the dropdown menus, and the cursor is jumping all around.

****We have re-install Office 2007 on the one pc and now she can open the
forms without any problem. It seems if the problem is with the software and
not with the file.***

Phil J W

I cant believe its a problem with office, i thin it has to be soemthing in
the file. i alsop dont have the option of reinstalling word in my office. I
can send you my form, that would be great....what email do i send it to?

Phil J W

After further texting with a few created forms, the problem seems to only
happen when the form is locked. If the form is NOT locked and saved as a docx
file it can be reopend.....any ideas?

Tony Jollans

Does your newsreader not show you my e-mail address? I ask as your posts
don't seem to pick them up. Anyway, send it to my forename at my surname dot

Suzanne S. Barnhill

If Phil is reading your posts in the Microsoft Communities discussion group
forum, he will not see your email address but should be able to click on
your name to bring up your profile (if any), which includes the email

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA

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