can not print from Office 2000



I can not print from Office 2000. I have uninstalled and re-installed the software and it still will not print. Need help fixing this.

Rob Schneider

Ensure you have a printer installed, with working printer driver. test
with running from Wordpad, Notepad, or something other than Office to
ensure the printer is working. Consider making that printer the
"default" printer. Also, need to know the exactly what you did and what
the exact error messsage was. (this kind of problem is unlikely to be
solved by repeated re-installs of Office).

Hope this is useful to you. Let us know.



I had a similar problem. I found that investing $99 in a
printer and attaching it to the computer solved the
-----Original Message-----
I can not print from Office 2000. I have uninstalled
and re-installed the software and it still will not
print. Need help fixing this.


I can print from notepad and other windows programs and the internet. When I click on print while in Office the print window comes up and it appears that something is printing because it tells you printing started and the job timer starts and the progress of the print (percent complete) is also displayed but nothing actually prints. When you check the print Queue there is nothing there. An error message does not appear. The printer that is loaded on the system is a Lexmark X73 and is set as the default printer

----- Rob Schneider wrote: ----

Ensure you have a printer installed, with working printer driver. test
with running from Wordpad, Notepad, or something other than Office to
ensure the printer is working. Consider making that printer the
"default" printer. Also, need to know the exactly what you did and what
the exact error messsage was. (this kind of problem is unlikely to be
solved by repeated re-installs of Office)

Hope this is useful to you. Let us know


smlw wrote

Rob Schneider

This a network printer? Can you print to another printer? Can you print
to a file? (My hunch is it is the printer driver software).

Hope this is useful to you. Let us know.



This is not a network printer. It is a local printer used only by this computer. I was told to download service pack 3 from microsoft and this would fix it. I tried this and it says "The expected version of the product was not found on your system".

----- Rob Schneider wrote: ----

This a network printer? Can you print to another printer? Can you print
to a file? (My hunch is it is the printer driver software)

Hope this is useful to you. Let us know


smlw wrote

Rob Schneider

As mentioned, my hunch is that it's caused by the printer driver, not

Who told you to put on SP3? Why? What specific bug is documented in
that SP that fixes this problem? Specifically, why was that the
recommendation? What does this person know that you have not reported here?

I wouldn't have thought SP 3 that would be a fix (unless there is
something documented that it is a fix for this printer).

Have you tried using another printer driver, e.g. install another
printer (even one you don't have) and print to file from that printer?
What was result?

Did it ever work? If yes, then what changed in meantime?

Hope this is useful to you. Let us know.



I was told to try the SP3 to make sure it wasn't a software problem. If it is the printer driver what do I need to do to solve the problem. At this point I am open to any suggestions that might would help

Rob Schneider

Frankly, I think this was weak advice to apply the Service Pack without
any documented proof that there was something in the Service Pack that
addressed this problem.

First, you need to try to print to a different printer using a different
printer driver. I've said this over and over. Have you tried? What
was the result?

To do this, do one of the following:

1. connect a different printer. OS will recognize this and isntall new

2. if don't have another printer, install any other printer (differnt
vendor best for this test), and istead of printing to a device, e.g.
LPT1:, direct the output to FILE:. This will test the operation of the
other printer driver.

If you can print using the other driver, then the problem can be assumed
to be the other printer driver. If both print drivers don't work, then
the problem is elsewhere. Could be in Office (but I doubt it) or the
OS's printing programs. For the latter maybe needs an OS restore from
back when it all worked (this did work at one time?) or maybe a repair
install of the OS.

If printer driver, check web site for vendor of printer for newest
version of printer driver. Check their web site for support about
problems with printing. It very well coujld be a buggy printer driver
which may or may not be known to the vendor. They may or may not have
non-buggy versions available. They may or man not have plans to fix any
buggy versions.

Hope this is useful to you. Let us know.


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