Can not read word


Bugger me

Hi guys!
I am brand new to the forum.
Appealing to the community's vaste knowledge in word application.

My problem:
Opening files in Word or any other MS Office application, shows first of all
a blinking bar and follows by garbled characteres that will not change to
normal text that one can read. This started happening upon recovering all
files from a mistakenly deleted logical drive with Stellar Pheonix Recovery
Moved files to another hard drive and made it the Master in the illusion
that by re-installing Windows XP Professional and MSOffice Professional, it
would have a different approach to file opening and therefore a decent format
that I could read. That didn't occur.
Jpeg format is not even recognised. Excel opens in same format as Word. PDF
does not recognise the format that the file was made of.
However, files of above applications can be opened as long as they did not
come from the recovered area. Ran NAV at log on and on any single file, and
all is OK.

Any help to resolve this mistery would be marvelous.

Thanking you in advance




The efficacy of data recovery programs varies widely, and in all cases degrades seriously if any disk writes have occurred since the
data were lost. Deleting (then restoring) a logical drive is a sure way of destroying the file pointers needed to reconstruct a
file. Time to restore from your backups, because you're now unlikely to recover anything useful from that disk.

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