Can not Scroll up & down when protected & Remove Enable Macro Ques


Josh C

2 Questions

1. I have a file with some cells are protected and some that are not. When I
protect the worksheet I can not use the arrows on the keyboard to move up and
down through the non-protected cells, but the left and right arrows still
work. Everything works when the sheet is not protected.

2. I have I file that asks to Enable or Disable Macros when the file opens,
but there are no marco in the file. I tried removing the all modules and all
but the one sheet that I need per this site: It still asks and I can
not seem to remove this code

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)

End Sub

out of the Workbook --> SelecionChange

When I delete it the drop down box changes on its own to (General) and then
the code stays there.

Thanks in advance for any help offered.

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