Can not see Excel 9.0 Library Object



I wrote my program on my machine which is running VS 2005 and Office 2003.

The program worked on my machine but the program is actually going to run on
a machine with only Excel 2000 on it.

So, when it runs on this other machine it does not open Excel and write data
to it as it did on my machine. I assume this this due to having only the
Excel 11.0 object library referenced in my project? I tried to add the Excel
9.0 library but it does not appear in my list of COM objects so what do I do?

Will I need to change my connection string also from ...

Dim sConnectionString As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" _

& "Data Source=" & XLFile _

& ";" & "Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;" something else?

Thank you


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