Can not see INSERTED images in Word



When a graphic of photograph is inserted in WORD it can not be seen.
Sometime, if you go into PREVIEW you can see the illustration – but not
always and it can come and go. Sometimes PART of the photo can be seen in
WORD. If you click on the photo the box and drag bars appear, but PORTIONS
of the photo appear and then return to white but the box and drag bars remain
until another part of the page is clicked.
The SAME thing happens when I insert a photo into Outlook when WORD is
being used as the editor.
In both cases, if I convert the document to ACROBAT, all graphics
appear correctly.
I am using Office XP under Windows XP. All updates have been installed.
I have two identically configured computers on my SONY monitor
(switched by KVM switch). One is a Velocity desktop and the other is an IBM
ThinkPad. All OPTIONs in WORD are identically set. This problem only
appears in the Velocity computer.
Both computers are fast and process graphics correctly. Complex ADOBE
files with lots of graphics, even those created from WORD files, run fast and
with great color on BOTH machines.
Carl N. Edwards, J.D., Ph.D.
Four Oaks P.O. Box 1776
Dover, MA 02030
Tel. :(774) 200-0201
Office. : (508) 785-2525
Fax. : (508) 785-2526
E-mail: (e-mail address removed)


In Word, click on Tools | Options | View tab | check the "Drawings" box and
uncheck the "Picture placeholders" box | OK. If you're working in Normal
view, switch to Print Layout view.

If the previous suggestions do not help, then try reducing the hardware
acceleration setting in Start | Control Panel | Display | Advanced |

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