can not view deleted mail. recycle bin is always empty.



when i delete mail it "Disappears" can not find it in the recycle bin.
where else can i look?


Deleted mail goes to the 'Deleted box' of your mail app, unless you
perminently delete it, or have a rule set to do so, in which case it has


I deleted the only rule that was set up and tried a test email, the first one
worked correctly and the deleted mail went into the recycle bin. Then I
received other emails and deleted them and the "Disappeared". Any other


Not to be funny but don't delete them until you are sure you want them gone.

Never use the deleted files folder for emails or the recycle bin to store
anything that you can't afford to lose. Create subfolders off the inbox to
store files prior to deletion.


I do use the recycle bin for deleted mail, but occasionally I may want to
take a second look at an email or I may delete an email by accident.


There-in lies your problem. Using a feature of a computer for a purpose it
is not intended. "I do use the recycle bin for deleted mail" is only asking
for trouble. Don't delete, only move to a different location (than the
deleted items folder) until you want it gone. I know some people who have
emails saved for 5 years in their Saved Items (which they created).

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