can notes be inserted into background region?



Is there any way to insert notes, textboxes, or dialog boxes into th
dark background area that remain at a fixed location on the screen whil
moving from one page to another? What I would ideally like to do i
stack something resembling "sticky notes" in the background (i
unaccessible waste of space region outside of white page) listing m
main objectives, bits of info, etc so they are immediately available.
Currently I have to scroll to the end of the document to find this info
but by the time I find the info I have completely forgotten where I wa
previously and what I was trying to say. Thanks in advance

Peter T. Daniels

I think you want the Comments feature, which you'll find in the Review tab. It puts a balloon in the margin next to the passage you've selected for comment (or you can just put your cursor somewhere in the text and add a Comment attached to that location).

NB If you print out a document with Comments showing, it'll shrink the page to accommodate the Comments in the margin.

Lisa Wilke-Thissen

Currently I have to scroll to the end of the document
to find this info, but by the time I find the info I have
completely forgotten where I was previously and what
I was trying to say. Thanks in advance.

in newer versions (2003, 2007, 2010, 2013) of Word there is a possibility
to split window. That will give you the opportunity to show text to be
edited on top, and to show your information on bottom.
Another possibility is to open the document in a new window. Then both
windows can be placed side by side...

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