Can objects be passed around as in Java?



Can I pass a reference to an object to another object and have it access
its data?
It seems very little to ask for, coming from Java, but I get runtime

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Bob Phillips

What you ask seems simple enough if I understand correctly. but show us what
you have tried, and explain what you are trying to do.



(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)


Well, here it is, but it's going to take a learning curve to figure out
my problem.
But maybe not; like I said, I'm new to Excel/VBA, and maybe it just
looks weird to me.

The main line creates oMACdefn objects of class clsMACdefn5A.
Each oMACdefn contains oFUNCTdefn objects of class clsFUNCTdefn5A.
I want to access the main line's wsWorksheet object from a method (for
now), but I first have a problem coding the Property method. Then the
main line doesn't seem to pass me a good wsWorksheet, tho it looks okay
in the debugger.

Hope it's not too difficult to get thru this stuff,
and maybe even to figure it out!

main line :
Dim oMACdefn As clsMACdefn5A
Dim oFUNCTdefn As clsFUNCTdefn5A
Public wsWorksheet As Worksheet

BTW, the main line contains both oMACdefn and oFUNCTdefn's because it's
reading a page that contains the data for both.

Private aAllFUNCTRows(1 To maxNumberFUNCTs) As clsFUNCTdefn5A

PROBLEM ONE -- How to code the Property that sets the oMACdefn object
into clsFUNCTdefn5A.


Main line :
Set oFUNCTdefn = New clsFUNCTdefn5A
oFUNCTdefn.doParent oMACdefn 'Compile error,
'Invalid use of Property
' (see below)
oFUNCTdefn.setParent oMACdefn ' ok
' debugger shows obj

Private oParent As clsMACdefn5A

Public Property Let doParent(ByRef inn As clsMACdefn5A)
Set oParent = inn
End Property
Public Property Set doParent(ByRef inn As clsMACdefn5A)
Set oParent = inn
End Property


oFUNCTdefn.setParent oMACdefn

Private oParent As clsMACdefn5A
Public Sub setParent(ByRef inn As clsMACdefn5A)
Set oParent = inn
End Sub

PROBLEM TWO -- why doesn't clsMACdefn5A.getWorksheet() work when called
from clsFUNCTdefn5A?


Public wsWorksheet As Worksheet
Set wsWorksheet = ActiveSheet ' Class_Initialize
Public Function getWorksheet() As Worksheet
Set getWorksheet = wsWorksheet
End Function

Private wsWorksheet As Worksheet
wsWorksheet = oParent.getWorksheet ' runtime error
' obj doesn't support funct/prop.
' this happens when it's getting back to

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