Michael Moser
There are a few things that I don't like about the formatting in OneNote, e.g. bullets stand out of the text block.
IMHO bullets should be aligned with the left border of the text above and their textual content should be indented. Lower level bullets should then be aligned with that indented text and their text indented twice as much, etc.
I tried to fiddle with the setting for bullets, but the only field I found was "spacing from text", which - even when set down to 0 - still yields bullets that stand out to the left of the f text. And one can't enter negative numbers here...
Can one somehow adjust this as I described and save that as a new default for future new docs./pages?
IMHO bullets should be aligned with the left border of the text above and their textual content should be indented. Lower level bullets should then be aligned with that indented text and their text indented twice as much, etc.
I tried to fiddle with the setting for bullets, but the only field I found was "spacing from text", which - even when set down to 0 - still yields bullets that stand out to the left of the f text. And one can't enter negative numbers here...
Can one somehow adjust this as I described and save that as a new default for future new docs./pages?