Can one change the default formatting and indentation of bullets?


Michael Moser

There are a few things that I don't like about the formatting in OneNote, e.g. bullets stand out of the text block.

IMHO bullets should be aligned with the left border of the text above and their textual content should be indented. Lower level bullets should then be aligned with that indented text and their text indented twice as much, etc.

I tried to fiddle with the setting for bullets, but the only field I found was "spacing from text", which - even when set down to 0 - still yields bullets that stand out to the left of the f text. And one can't enter negative numbers here...

Can one somehow adjust this as I described and save that as a new default for future new docs./pages?


Rainald Taesler

Michael said:
There are a few things that I don't like about the formatting in
OneNote, e.g. bullets stand out of the text block.

IMHO bullets should be aligned with the left border of the text above
and their textual content should be indented. Lower level bullets
should then be aligned with that indented text and their text
indented twice as much, etc.

Once again I fully agree with you.
I tried to fiddle with the setting for bullets, but the only field I
found was "spacing from text", which - even when set down to 0 -
still yields bullets that stand out to the left of the f text. And
one can't enter negative numbers here...

I also tried to change thins but it's impossible.
Can one somehow adjust this as I described and save that as a new
default for future new docs./pages?

No, there's no way.

Once again:
Post this on the Connect-site and drip the URL in here so that we can
vote for it.


Rainald Taesler

Hallo Michael,
Me again in this topic having bee discussed already.
Meanwhile I found out something which might be if help for you too:
After having read Knighnet's suggestion in Connect, I checked the
formatting options available in the TaskPane (which I hardly ever use
[to be honest: I hate it], especially in the 12.1" display of my
TabletPC). It seems that I just missed something :-( :-(

Michael said:
There are a few things that I don't like about the formatting in
OneNote, e.g. bullets stand out of the text block.

IMHO bullets should be aligned with the left border of the text above
and their textual content should be indented.

By default the bullets reach out over the text border. This looks ugly
and is not according to the common standards.
But there is a workaround:
Of one indents the first line if a list, in the TaskPane one can change
the indent and by this make the bullet points appear aligned to the text
above. The same is valid for further levels of a lost.
Lower level bullets
should then be aligned with that indented text and their text
indented twice as much, etc.

This can changed in the TaskPane
I tried to fiddle with the setting for bullets, but the only field I
found was "spacing from text", which - even when set down to 0 -
still yields bullets that stand out to the left of the f text. And
one can't enter negative numbers here...

Yes, but just changing the level and making the 1st level to be the 2nd
level the options are available.
Can one somehow adjust this as I described and save that as a new
default for future new docs./pages?

AFAICS these values can not be saved and/wir set as the default for
future lists.


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