Can one Force Publisher 2003 to default save in Publisher 2000 for




We work with Office 2000 and XP.
We don´t plan to deploy Office 2003 on corporate basis.
Some new people though have Office 2003 - and there are more to come.

Som work with Publisher 2000 or 2002
Others work with Publisher 2003.
We can´t force people to use the "Save As" work around - to solve the
document compatibility issue between the versions - they simply forget!

Is it possible to install the Publisher 2003, and force it always to Use the
Publisher 2000 format, working with documents.
(change some registry settings i.e...) -> so people don´t have to consider
the document version issue, and we keep all documents on one version??


Ed Bennett

Jens said:
Is it possible to install the Publisher 2003, and force it always to Use the
Publisher 2000 format, working with documents.
(change some registry settings i.e...) -> so people don´t have to consider
the document version issue, and we keep all documents on one version??

NO. And if it were, it would be a BAD IDEA. Upgrade your 2000 users to
2002/2003/2007 (which all share the same filetype), or downgrade
everyone to 2000. Otherwise every time you open the document on a 2002/3
machine, it would cause formatting changes. Then when you saved it back
to 2000 format, there would be MORE format changes.

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