Can OpenArgs only be checked for null OnOpen?


Tony Vrolyk

The subject pretty much asks the question but I will restate to make sure
you got my meaning.

I would like to check 'if isnull(me.openargs) then' on another event after
OnOpen, for instance OnClick of a command button, but it appears that OnOpen
is the only time that it can be checked for null. Is this correct?


Emilia Maxim

---------- "Tony Vrolyk said:
The subject pretty much asks the question but I will restate to make sure
you got my meaning.

I would like to check 'if isnull(me.openargs) then' on another event after
OnOpen, for instance OnClick of a command button, but it appears that OnOpen
is the only time that it can be checked for null. Is this correct?


the answer is no. OpenArgs is available and keeps its value as long as
the form stays open. It would have cost you about 2 minutes to find
this out..... ;-)

Best regards

Emilia Maxim
PC-SoftwareService, Stuttgart

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