Can people share access to a "folder/project"?



I don't use OneNote yet. My boss likes this product and would like for us to
set up a folder/project (whatever ON calls it) for a series of cases we are
dealing with. His idea is that we'd save that folder/project to a network
drive and then everyone on the team could access it. Everyone would be able
to add tabs, files and notes.

From my preliminary research, it doesn't sound like ON is designed for
shared access by multiple users. I believe if one person opens the
"project", they will lock it. Correct?

If it is locked, can other people read that project?
If they can read, will the project become unlocked (and available to them)
as soon as the first person exits? (Similar to the way Excel notifies you
that the read only file you're in can now be saved.)

Ben M. Schorr - MVP

horsenbuggy said:
I don't use OneNote yet. My boss likes this product and would like for us
set up a folder/project (whatever ON calls it) for a series of cases we
dealing with. His idea is that we'd save that folder/project to a network
drive and then everyone on the team could access it. Everyone would be
to add tabs, files and notes.

Yes, you can do that. And it's even better in the next version.
From my preliminary research, it doesn't sound like ON is designed for
shared access by multiple users. I believe if one person opens the
"project", they will lock it. Correct?

Yes, but that's not quite as draconian as it sounds.
If it is locked, can other people read that project?

If they can read, will the project become unlocked (and available to them)
as soon as the first person exits?

Yes. In fact, the project will unlock after a period of inactivity by the
first person even if they stay in the page. So if the first person simply
stops writing for a user-definable period then it will unlock and the other
person will gain write access.


Ben M. Schorr, OneNote-MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower
Microsoft OneNote FAQ:

**I apologize but I am unable to respond to direct requests for assistance.
Please post questions and replies here in the newsgroup. Mahalo!


When the project unlocks, does the other user get notification?

How does it work if three or more people are trying to access the same
project? First Come, First Served?

How draconian is it? :)

James Gockel

But ben didnt mention the the ability to share at the same time using the
"Share my notebook with others" you can start a network session where you
can share the notebook, and take notes together. it's real nifty.



That sounds like exactly what I'm looking for. Can we set it up to default
to that?

Ben M. Schorr - MVP

Not really - only that the "Read-Only" message in the title bar disappears.

Yes, first-come, first-served for multiple users.


Ben M. Schorr, OneNote-MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower
Microsoft OneNote FAQ:

**I apologize but I am unable to respond to direct requests for assistance.
Please post questions and replies here in the newsgroup. Mahalo!

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