Hi I wish to confirm if there is any way by which MS Office project mpp file can send us an alert if there is a change, or if there is an impending task to complete
projectnewbieM wrote:
Can project send email reminder of task start date?
Thinking of using MS Project 2007 primarily as a tickler system to make sure
that simple tasks occur before certain critical dates. The program needs to
monitor the date/time and prompt people via email that certain deadlines are
Previous Posts In This Thread:
Can project send email reminder of task start date?
Thinking of using MS Project 2007 primarily as a tickler system to make sure
that simple tasks occur before certain critical dates. The program needs to
monitor the date/time and prompt people via email that certain deadlines are
Hi ProjectnewbieMT,Project 2007 has a "Reminder" button on the tracking
Hi ProjectnewbieMT
Project 2007 has a "Reminder" button on the tracking toolbar which
sends a task to Outlook 2007. You can then place a reminder through
outlook on that task. However if the task in Project changes you
will need to update the task in Outlook manually
You can also place deadlines on tasks and will get a flag in the
indicator column when you have missed a deadline -- however, again
it requires the project manager's attention
I hope this helps. Let us know how you get along
Project MV
http://project.mvps.org/ for the FAQs and additional
information about Microsoft Projec
in message
I tried using this function and was given an error that restarted theprogram.
I tried using this function and was given an error that restarted th
program. One thing I will note is that the task was shared by tw
persons and one of them had no email attached. I reported it to MS, bu
is there a work around to this
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Hello wtmifm167,We cannot see the message you are responding to so do not know
Hello wtmifm167
We cannot see the message you are responding to so do not know wha
"function" you have tried. The message may be visible on th
techarena site, but your message has been posted (and is being read
through the microsoft newsgroup. To enable us to help you, pleas
post specifically what version of Project including service pack
you have installed and what function you tried and what happened
I hope this helps. Let us know how you get along
Project MV
http://project.mvps.org/ for the FAQs and additiona
information about Microsoft Project
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