I am trying to pw-protect the sheet, the pw-protect workbook
and the pw-protect sharing in code. I can do this manually in Excel
but not in Excel VBA or Access VBA code. I can protect the
sheet/workbook and sheet/sharing combination but not all three. Users
can rename worksheets, etc, with the workbook unprotected.
Below is my code that gives a run-time error 5 on the
objXLBook.ProtectSharing line.
Sub SetSharing()
Dim strFilePathName As String
Dim objXLBook As Excel.Workbook
Set objXLBook = ActiveWorkbook
strFilePathName = "c:\New Microsoft Excel Worksheet.xls"
ActiveSheet.Protect Password:="Password", _
DrawingObjects:=True, Contents:=True, Scenarios:=True, _
objXLBook.Protect Password:="Password"
objXLBook.ProtectSharing strFilePathName, , , , , "Password"
Set objXLBook = Nothing
End Sub
While code is in break after the error on the objXLBook.ProtectSharing
line, I can go into Excel, click Tools, Protection, Protect and Share
Workbook, check off Sharing with track changes, enter a password twice
AND IT WORKS! Is this a bug that I cannot do this in code?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I am trying to pw-protect the sheet, the pw-protect workbook
and the pw-protect sharing in code. I can do this manually in Excel
but not in Excel VBA or Access VBA code. I can protect the
sheet/workbook and sheet/sharing combination but not all three. Users
can rename worksheets, etc, with the workbook unprotected.
Below is my code that gives a run-time error 5 on the
objXLBook.ProtectSharing line.
Sub SetSharing()
Dim strFilePathName As String
Dim objXLBook As Excel.Workbook
Set objXLBook = ActiveWorkbook
strFilePathName = "c:\New Microsoft Excel Worksheet.xls"
ActiveSheet.Protect Password:="Password", _
DrawingObjects:=True, Contents:=True, Scenarios:=True, _
objXLBook.Protect Password:="Password"
objXLBook.ProtectSharing strFilePathName, , , , , "Password"
Set objXLBook = Nothing
End Sub
While code is in break after the error on the objXLBook.ProtectSharing
line, I can go into Excel, click Tools, Protection, Protect and Share
Workbook, check off Sharing with track changes, enter a password twice
AND IT WORKS! Is this a bug that I cannot do this in code?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!