can publish to one subnet, not another


Beemer Biker

I set up II services with FP extension on one XP system and from another
computer on the same subnet I can publish just fine (using frontpage

A login dialog box comes up, I get to enter in my username and password.

On another subnet the username is grayed out and only the password box is
shown. The default username is "systemname\guest" ie: the guest account.
Googleing around were suggestions to disable "Use Simple File Sharing".
Indeed, "Use Simple File Sharing" was checked so we unchecked it. Also saw
a suggestion to simply disable the guest account. That didnt work. The was
no request to reboot. Also, the system that is not working is actually
running linux with VMWare. Remote desktop works fine on the VMWare system.
For some reason attempting to publish gets a grayed out username box with
"guest" for the username.

any ideas? (I cannot junk the linux box)

Beemer Biker

sorry, must have needed to reboot the VMWare after unchecking "Use Simple
File System" and disableing the guest account. It was possible to enter the
usename. A few updates plus dotnet 1.1 went in so I cant be positive that
those two items were all that were needed.

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