Can receive but not send e-mail through Outlook OR MSOE



Four days ago, my computer stopped being able to send e-mail through Outlook,
thoguh I still receive mail. I get error 0x80042109 or 0x800ccc0e saying it
cannot find SMTP server. Testing account settings, outgoing mail test fails.
After several hours on the phone with my ISP, all setting are right, NAV
disabled, switched to Outlook Express (because they do not support Outlook,
but I get the same error), can ping the smtp server from command prompt, etc,
and they are stumped. They say it must be a software issue.

Can someone help, PLEASE?


Brian Tillman

EM said:
Four days ago, my computer stopped being able to send e-mail through
Outlook, thoguh I still receive mail. I get error 0x80042109 or
0x800ccc0e saying it cannot find SMTP server. Testing account
settings, outgoing mail test fails. After several hours on the phone
with my ISP, all setting are right, NAV disabled, switched to Outlook
Express (because they do not support Outlook, but I get the same
error), can ping the smtp server from command prompt, etc, and they
are stumped. They say it must be a software issue.

Can you telnet to the port they say you're supposed to be using? Suppose
they say you're to use port 25 for SMTP (which is the usual port). Open a
command prompt window and type

telnet yoursmtpserver 25

If you get a message similar to

220 yoursmtpserver ESMTP server ready at Fri, 6 May 2005 14:05:22 -0400

Then you know their server and your network software are working and it's a
setting in Outlook. Enter "quit" to end the connection. If instead you get
a timeout, it could be either their server or your networking. If you get
something like "connection refused", then you know it's their server.


Thanks, Brian. The message I get after trying your suggestion is:

"Could not open connention to the host, on port 25: Connection failed"

This sounds like a problem on my end. Any ideas?


Brian Tillman

EM said:
The message I get after trying your suggestion is:

"Could not open connention to the host, on port 25: Connection

This sounds like a problem on my end. Any ideas?

This seems more like a problem in their end. Were I you, I'd call them up
and tell them you can't telnet to port 25 on their server. If you wish to
state exactly what server you're trying to connect, I can attempt to connect
to its SMTP port from my PC and see if I can. If I can, then I'm inclined
to think that it is your problem, but if I can't it's definitely their


Thanks for the info Brian. I contacted them with the telnet results and
they asked for my IP address. When I read it off, they said it was not one
of theirs (even though I was connected through their service) and so it
appeared that their server was assigning me IP addresses not recognized by
their SMTP server. They are now working to correct on their end what they
had told me for a week was a problem on my end.

Thank you for giving me the information necessary to help them correctly
diagnose the problem.

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