Can send but not receive Pop3 messages in Outlook 2003


Al Mcgraw

I ran a Microsoft update to allow me to download the software for converting
2007 files into 2003. I have not been able to receive messages from or mail accounts but can send messages to these
accounts since this update. I checked the setting for email outgoing and
incoming and they are ok. I also ran the test and everything passes. The
error message is Ox8004210A and gives a timed out message for the receiving
Pop server. I have already sent this email but I just signed up and do not
see it in the general forum for Outlook.

neo [mvp outlook]

Do you have a 3rd party antivirus/antispam product that can scan pop3 email
as it is downloaded. If that answer is yes, then uninstall/reinstall it.
Many 3rd party products like this act as a middle man between Outlook and
the POP3 mail server and can be broken by updates.

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