Can Shrink - many subreports



I have a report with a number of subreports (up to five subreports).
Many lines are blank, and I use the Can Shrink to take up the spaces. This
works fine when I have two subreports in my report - the second moves up the
page as it is supposed to do. However, when I get to three or more
subreports this no longer works. Can Shrink continues to work in the
individual subreports, but following subreports no longer move up as they did
before. I am using Access 2003. Any ideas, please.

Marshall Barton

JohnB said:
I have a report with a number of subreports (up to five subreports).
Many lines are blank, and I use the Can Shrink to take up the spaces. This
works fine when I have two subreports in my report - the second moves up the
page as it is supposed to do. However, when I get to three or more
subreports this no longer works. Can Shrink continues to work in the
individual subreports, but following subreports no longer move up as they did
before. I am using Access 2003.

Assuming you have the subreports one above the other, the
problem you're seeing usually caused by the top of one
subreport being above the bottom of the previous subreport.

Check the Top + Height properties of each subreport and make
sure the next subreport's Top is at or below that value.

Another cause might be that you have other controls
(labels?) that bridge the boundary between two subreports.


Thanks for your prompt response.
Interestingly, none of my subreports has a Top property. I have Height in
Report Header (zero - not used), Detail, and Page Footer (zero, not used),
but not in the subreport Report properties itself, and not any Top (which I
understand is a requirement for shrinking). All my subreports are created
from Queries using the report wizard. Do I need to get the Top property - if
so, how?

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