Can Shrink Problem



Hi all

I am going crazy with this! Please help.

I am trying to condence a report in Access 2003. In the details section, I
have two rows of data , and then two extra rows below that, kind of like this

data data data data
data data data data
data data
data data

My issues is that sometimes the last two rows don't have any data in them at
all (if its not in one text box, it wont be in the other, so they are both
empty). When that occurs, I would like the next record to move up to be right
under the first one, not leaving a big gap as if there was data in the last
two rows. I have set ALL of the text boxs and the section to 'can shrink'. If
I put borders around the last two rows, they don't show when there's no data
- but I'm not sure if that means they're shrinking or not. Bottom line is, I
can't get the next row to move up.

Please, please help.

Thank you in advance,


Yes, I have

Gina Whipp said:
Have you set the Detail section of your report to Can Shrink = Yes?

Gina Whipp

"I feel I have been denied critical, need to know, information!" - Tremors

Gina Whipp

Okay then the only other thing I can think of the Detail section itself is
set for that size. To get it to shrink (and grow try this...

The last two rows of data. Make the fields "0" height, make sure they are
set for Can Grow = Yes, move them up and move the bottom of of the detail
section up (Could be Page_Footer or Report_Footer). Also make sure the
detail section is set Can Grow = Yes.

Marshall Barton

Alisonnoof said:
I am trying to condence a report in Access 2003. In the details section, I
have two rows of data , and then two extra rows below that, kind of like this

data data data data
data data data data
data data
data data

My issues is that sometimes the last two rows don't have any data in them at
all (if its not in one text box, it wont be in the other, so they are both
empty). When that occurs, I would like the next record to move up to be right
under the first one, not leaving a big gap as if there was data in the last
two rows. I have set ALL of the text boxs and the section to 'can shrink'. If
I put borders around the last two rows, they don't show when there's no data
- but I'm not sure if that means they're shrinking or not. Bottom line is, I
can't get the next row to move up.

Double check that all four text boxes and the section have
their CanShrink property is set to Yes.

Look for any other controls in the same horizontal "band" as
the controls you want to shrink. The common culprit is a
line or label, but anything can prevent shrinking.

Also verify that the value in all fout text boxes are
either Null or "". Anything else, including just a space,
means the text boxes are not "empty".


Thank you both so much! Its working!!!! The trick was setting the text box
height to zero and then setting them to 'can grow'.

Thank you again, you have made my day!

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