Can someone check the error in this code?



Hi This is a pretty big big. I ll be extremely extremely glad if someone
corrects this code. I found this code somewhere in the internet.
Thanks a ton in advance.

The code is as follow:

Dim objDocument As Document
Dim fs

Dim targets As Collection
Dim targetArray() As String

Dim indexTracker As Collection
'contains the count for each preposition as we search for new prepositions
'in a give sentence. This number is used by the server to determine which
'instance of a preposition to check if there are multiple occurances in the

Dim sentenceIterator As Integer
'with reference to objDocument.sentences
Dim wordIterator As Integer
'with reference to objDocument.sentences(sentenceIterator).words

Const confThreshold As Double = 0.1

Const Root As String = "C:\Prepositions"
Const perl As String = "C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe"
Const perlScript As String = Root & "\"
Const DoneFileLoc As String = Root & "\preposition.don"
Const OutputFile As String = Root & "\outputFile.txt"
Const TargetFile As String = Root & "\targets2.txt"

Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)

Sub changeWordText(newWord As String)

'changes the text of the word currently selected by wordIterator
'(except any trailing spaces) to newWord

objDocument.Sentences(sentenceIterator).Words(wordIterator).Text = _

Replace(objDocument.Sentences(sentenceIterator).Words(wordIterator).Text, _


End Sub

Private Sub Doze(ByVal lngPeriod As Long)
Sleep lngPeriod
End Sub

Function ReadFile(FileName As String) As String()
'adapted from

Dim Line As String
Dim Results() As String

Open FileName For Input As #1
i = 0
Do While Not EOF(1) 'Loop until end of file
Input #1, Line 'Read data into two variables
ReDim Preserve Results(i)
Results(i) = Line
i = i + 1
'MsgBox (Line) 'Show variable contents in message box

Close #1

ReadFile = Results()

End Function
Private Function ContainsItem(col As Collection, val As Variant) As Boolean
' obtained from

Dim itm As Variant
On Error Resume Next
itm = col.Item(val)
ContainsItem = Not (Err.Number = 5 Or Err.Number = 9)
On Error GoTo 0

End Function

Function TrimSpace(strInput As String) As String
' adapted from MSDN
' This procedure trims extra space from any part of
' a string.

Dim astrInput() As String
Dim astrText() As String
Dim strElement As String
Dim lngCount As Long
Dim lngIncr As Long

Dim temp As Boolean
bool = False
bool = (strInput = "")

'filter out unwanted carriage returns
strInput = Replace(strInput, vbLf, "")
strInput = Replace(strInput, vbCr, "")

If (Len(strInput) = 0) Then
TrimSpace = ""
GoTo TheEnd
End If

' Split passed-in string.
astrInput = Split(strInput)

' Resize second array to be same size.
ReDim astrText(UBound(astrInput))

' Initialize counter variable for second array.
lngIncr = LBound(astrInput)
' Loop through split array, looking for
' non-zero-length strings.
For lngCount = LBound(astrInput) To UBound(astrInput)
strElement = astrInput(lngCount)
If (Len(strElement) > 0) Then
' Store in second array.
astrText(lngIncr) = strElement
lngIncr = lngIncr + 1
End If
' Resize new array.
ReDim Preserve astrText(LBound(astrText) To lngIncr - 1)

' Join new array to return string.
TrimSpace = Join(astrText)
End Function

Function NextInstance() As String()
'Returns an array with three strings:
' -the status: "error", "no more", or "found mistake"
' -the preposition that is found
' -the sentence in which the error occurs
' sets the global word iterator to the location of the preposition, so it
' can be replaced

'Begin searching the current sentence (global sentence iterator) for the next
'preposition. If none found, move to the next sentence. Repeat until a
'preposition is found. If there are no more sentences, return "no more".

Dim ReturnVal(2) As String

Dim found As Boolean
found = False

'move wordIterator forward to avoid finding the same preposition twice
wordIterator = wordIterator + 1

While (sentenceIterator < objDocument.Sentences.Count + 1 And Not found)
If (GetNextTarget) Then
found = True
sentenceIterator = sentenceIterator + 1
wordIterator = 1
Set indexTracker = New Collection
For i = 0 To UBound(targetArray)
indexTracker.Add 0, targetArray(i)
Next i
End If

If (Not found) Then
ReturnVal(0) = "No more"
ReturnVal(1) = ""
ReturnVal(2) = ""
Dim sentence As String
ReturnVal(0) = "found mistake"
ReturnVal(1) =
sentence = TrimSpace(objDocument.Sentences(sentenceIterator))
ReturnVal(2) = Replace(sentence, """", "")
End If

NextInstance = ReturnVal()

End Function

Function GetNextTarget() As Boolean

'move the word iterator forward until it hits the end of the sentence, or
'or it hits a preposition. Return true if we hit a preposition; false

Dim found As Boolean
found = False

While (wordIterator < objDocument.Sentences(sentenceIterator).Words.Count +
1 And Not found)
theWord =
If (ContainsItem(targets, theWord)) Then
found = True
'increase the index for this word
newCount = indexTracker.Item(theWord) + 1
indexTracker.Remove (theWord)
indexTracker.Add newCount, theWord

'indexTracker.Item(theWord) = indexTracker
wordIterator = wordIterator + 1
End If

GetNextTarget = found
End Function

Sub Init()

'Think this needs to change
Set objDocument = ActiveDocument
Set targets = New Collection
Set indexTracker = New Collection

Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

'remove the file perl will write, if it exists
If fs.FileExists(OutputFile) Then
Kill OutputFile
End If
If fs.FileExists(DoneFileLoc) Then
Kill DoneFileLoc
End If

sentenceIterator = 1
wordIterator = 1

targetArray = ReadFile(TargetFile)

For i = 0 To UBound(targetArray)
targets.Add targetArray(i), targetArray(i)
indexTracker.Add 0, targetArray(i)
Next i

'MsgBox ("size of target array: " & (UBound(targetArray) + 1))

End Sub

Function getAlternatives(target As String, sentence As String) As String()

'remove the file perl will write, if it exists
If fs.FileExists(OutputFile) Then
Kill OutputFile
End If
If fs.FileExists(DoneFileLoc) Then
'MsgBox ("Done file exists before call")
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Kill DoneFileLoc
End If

GoTo EndHandler
errorCount = errorCount + 1

Resume TryAgain

Index = indexTracker(target)
perlcall = perl & " " & perlScript & " " & target & " " & Index & " " & """"
& sentence & """"
'MsgBox (perlcall)
ID = Shell(perlcall, vbHide)

If fs.FileExists(DoneFileLoc) Then
MsgBox ("Done file exists after call")
'Kill DoneFileLoc
End If

'MsgBox (perlcall)

Dim Results() As String

'loop until the program finishes, then read the file it creates
Dim DoneFile As Boolean
DoneFile = False
While (Not DoneFile)
If fs.FileExists(DoneFileLoc) Then
DoneFile = True
Doze 100
End If

Results() = ReadFile(OutputFile)
getAlternatives = Results()

End Function

Sub FindMistake()

If (Not UserForm1.Visible) Then
UserForm1.Show (0)
End If

UserForm1.Caption = "Searching for an error..."
UserForm1.SentenceBox.Text = "Please be patient; this will take a few
UserForm1.IgnoreButton.Enabled = False
UserForm1.ReplaceButton.Enabled = False


'MsgBox ("findmistake!")

Dim foundMistake As Boolean
foundMistake = False

While (Not foundMistake)

Dim mistake() As String
Dim alternatives() As String

mistake() = NextInstance()

'mistake(0) holds the status of the NextInstance() call
'mistake(1) holds the preposition under consideration
'mistake(2) holds the context sentence of the preposition under
temp = mistake(2)

If (mistake(0) = "No more") Then
MsgBox ("Preposition Check Complete")

'remove the file perl will write, if it exists
If fs.FileExists(OutputFile) Then
Kill OutputFile
End If
If fs.FileExists(DoneFileLoc) Then
'MsgBox ("Done file exists before call")
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Kill DoneFileLoc
End If

GoTo EndHandler
errorCount = errorCount + 1

Resume TryAgain

End If

If (mistake(0) = "Error") Then
MsgBox ("Unknown Error")
End If

alternatives() = getAlternatives(mistake(1), mistake(2))

'check for errors
If (UBound(alternatives) < 0) Then
MsgBox ("Error reading from perl script.")
End If

If (alternatives(0) = "Error:") Then
MsgBox ("Error: " & alternatives(1))
End If

Dim confidence As Double
confidence = val(alternatives(0))
If (confidence > confThreshold And Not alternatives(1) = mistake(1)) Then
foundMistake = True
End If


'Build up sentence word by word, inserting *'s at correct places.
Dim wrongSentence As String
Dim wrongWord As String
wrongSentence = "{\rtf1{\colortbl;\red0\green0\blue0;\red255\green20\blue20;}"

For i = 1 To wordIterator - 1
wrongSentence = wrongSentence &
Next i
wrongWord = objDocument.Sentences(sentenceIterator).Words(wordIterator).Text
wrongSentence = wrongSentence & Replace(wrongWord, TrimSpace(wrongWord),
"{\f1\cf2\b " & TrimSpace(wrongWord) & "}")
For i = wordIterator + 1 To
wrongSentence = wrongSentence &
Next i

wrongSentence = wrongSentence & "}"

'UserForm1.SentenceBox.Text = wrongSentence
UserForm1.SentenceBox.TextRTF = wrongSentence

UserForm1.IgnoreButton.Caption = "Ignore"

For i = 1 To UBound(alternatives)
UserForm1.CorrectionListBox.AddItem (alternatives(i))
Next i

UserForm1.CorrectionListBox.ListIndex = 0

UserForm1.IgnoreButton.Enabled = True
UserForm1.ReplaceButton.Enabled = True

UserForm1.Caption = "Suggested Prepositions"


End Sub

Sub PrepositionCorrect()

'UserForm1.IgnoreButton.Caption = "Start"
UserForm1.IgnoreButton.Enabled = True
UserForm1.ReplaceButton.Enabled = False

Call Init
Call FindMistake

End Sub


Hi Sally,

You don't say what's wrong with the code. At what line(s) do you get error messages, and what are they?


Yes Macropod.

Unfortunately I dont have those files. I found that particular code from the

I believe this code is very useful but i m unable to contact the guys from
the university.
I believe in Hope.


macropod said:
Hi Sally,

Is this the same problem you reported at:
and do you now have the files you lacked at that time?

[Microsoft MVP - Word]

Designingsally said:
Hi This is a pretty big big. I ll be extremely extremely glad if someone
corrects this code. I found this code somewhere in the internet.
Thanks a ton in advance.

The code is as follow:

Dim objDocument As Document
Dim fs

Dim targets As Collection
Dim targetArray() As String

Dim indexTracker As Collection
'contains the count for each preposition as we search for new prepositions
'in a give sentence. This number is used by the server to determine which
'instance of a preposition to check if there are multiple occurances in the

Dim sentenceIterator As Integer
'with reference to objDocument.sentences
Dim wordIterator As Integer
'with reference to objDocument.sentences(sentenceIterator).words

Const confThreshold As Double = 0.1

Const Root As String = "C:\Prepositions"
Const perl As String = "C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe"
Const perlScript As String = Root & "\"
Const DoneFileLoc As String = Root & "\preposition.don"
Const OutputFile As String = Root & "\outputFile.txt"
Const TargetFile As String = Root & "\targets2.txt"

Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)

Sub changeWordText(newWord As String)

'changes the text of the word currently selected by wordIterator
'(except any trailing spaces) to newWord

objDocument.Sentences(sentenceIterator).Words(wordIterator).Text = _

Replace(objDocument.Sentences(sentenceIterator).Words(wordIterator).Text, _


End Sub

Private Sub Doze(ByVal lngPeriod As Long)
Sleep lngPeriod
End Sub

Function ReadFile(FileName As String) As String()
'adapted from

Dim Line As String
Dim Results() As String

Open FileName For Input As #1
i = 0
Do While Not EOF(1) 'Loop until end of file
Input #1, Line 'Read data into two variables
ReDim Preserve Results(i)
Results(i) = Line
i = i + 1
'MsgBox (Line) 'Show variable contents in message box

Close #1

ReadFile = Results()

End Function
Private Function ContainsItem(col As Collection, val As Variant) As Boolean
' obtained from

Dim itm As Variant
On Error Resume Next
itm = col.Item(val)
ContainsItem = Not (Err.Number = 5 Or Err.Number = 9)
On Error GoTo 0

End Function

Function TrimSpace(strInput As String) As String
' adapted from MSDN
' This procedure trims extra space from any part of
' a string.

Dim astrInput() As String
Dim astrText() As String
Dim strElement As String
Dim lngCount As Long
Dim lngIncr As Long

Dim temp As Boolean
bool = False
bool = (strInput = "")

'filter out unwanted carriage returns
strInput = Replace(strInput, vbLf, "")
strInput = Replace(strInput, vbCr, "")

If (Len(strInput) = 0) Then
TrimSpace = ""
GoTo TheEnd
End If

' Split passed-in string.
astrInput = Split(strInput)

' Resize second array to be same size.
ReDim astrText(UBound(astrInput))

' Initialize counter variable for second array.
lngIncr = LBound(astrInput)
' Loop through split array, looking for
' non-zero-length strings.
For lngCount = LBound(astrInput) To UBound(astrInput)
strElement = astrInput(lngCount)
If (Len(strElement) > 0) Then
' Store in second array.
astrText(lngIncr) = strElement
lngIncr = lngIncr + 1
End If
' Resize new array.
ReDim Preserve astrText(LBound(astrText) To lngIncr - 1)

' Join new array to return string.
TrimSpace = Join(astrText)
End Function

Function NextInstance() As String()
'Returns an array with three strings:
' -the status: "error", "no more", or "found mistake"
' -the preposition that is found
' -the sentence in which the error occurs
' sets the global word iterator to the location of the preposition, so it
' can be replaced

'Begin searching the current sentence (global sentence iterator) for the next
'preposition. If none found, move to the next sentence. Repeat until a
'preposition is found. If there are no more sentences, return "no more".

Dim ReturnVal(2) As String

Dim found As Boolean
found = False

'move wordIterator forward to avoid finding the same preposition twice
wordIterator = wordIterator + 1

While (sentenceIterator < objDocument.Sentences.Count + 1 And Not found)
If (GetNextTarget) Then
found = True
sentenceIterator = sentenceIterator + 1
wordIterator = 1
Set indexTracker = New Collection
For i = 0 To UBound(targetArray)
indexTracker.Add 0, targetArray(i)
Next i
End If

If (Not found) Then
ReturnVal(0) = "No more"
ReturnVal(1) = ""
ReturnVal(2) = ""
Dim sentence As String
ReturnVal(0) = "found mistake"
ReturnVal(1) =
sentence = TrimSpace(objDocument.Sentences(sentenceIterator))
ReturnVal(2) = Replace(sentence, """", "")
End If

NextInstance = ReturnVal()

End Function

Function GetNextTarget() As Boolean

'move the word iterator forward until it hits the end of the sentence, or
'or it hits a preposition. Return true if we hit a preposition; false

Dim found As Boolean
found = False

While (wordIterator < objDocument.Sentences(sentenceIterator).Words.Count +
1 And Not found)
theWord =
If (ContainsItem(targets, theWord)) Then
found = True
'increase the index for this word
newCount = indexTracker.Item(theWord) + 1
indexTracker.Remove (theWord)
indexTracker.Add newCount, theWord

'indexTracker.Item(theWord) = indexTracker
wordIterator = wordIterator + 1
End If

GetNextTarget = found
End Function

Sub Init()

'Think this needs to change
Set objDocument = ActiveDocument
Set targets = New Collection
Set indexTracker = New Collection

Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

'remove the file perl will write, if it exists
If fs.FileExists(OutputFile) Then
Kill OutputFile
End If
If fs.FileExists(DoneFileLoc) Then
Kill DoneFileLoc
End If

sentenceIterator = 1
wordIterator = 1

targetArray = ReadFile(TargetFile)

For i = 0 To UBound(targetArray)
targets.Add targetArray(i), targetArray(i)
indexTracker.Add 0, targetArray(i)
Next i

'MsgBox ("size of target array: " & (UBound(targetArray) + 1))

End Sub

Function getAlternatives(target As String, sentence As String) As String()

'remove the file perl will write, if it exists
If fs.FileExists(OutputFile) Then
Kill OutputFile
End If
If fs.FileExists(DoneFileLoc) Then
'MsgBox ("Done file exists before call")
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Kill DoneFileLoc
End If

GoTo EndHandler
errorCount = errorCount + 1

Resume TryAgain

Index = indexTracker(target)
perlcall = perl & " " & perlScript & " " & target & " " & Index & " " & """"
& sentence & """"
'MsgBox (perlcall)
ID = Shell(perlcall, vbHide)

If fs.FileExists(DoneFileLoc) Then
MsgBox ("Done file exists after call")
'Kill DoneFileLoc
End If



When I run the macro FindMistake() i get the error saying Data Member not
When I run the macro Init() i get the message Compile error: Cant find
project or library.
When I run the macro PrepositionCheck() I get the run, Cant execute code in
break mode.

These are the errors in particular I get.

The errors are mentioned dont indicate abt the missing files.
Thanks for the help in advance

I believe in Hope.


macropod said:
Hi Sally,

Is this the same problem you reported at:
and do you now have the files you lacked at that time?

[Microsoft MVP - Word]

Designingsally said:
Hi This is a pretty big big. I ll be extremely extremely glad if someone
corrects this code. I found this code somewhere in the internet.
Thanks a ton in advance.

The code is as follow:

Dim objDocument As Document
Dim fs

Dim targets As Collection
Dim targetArray() As String

Dim indexTracker As Collection
'contains the count for each preposition as we search for new prepositions
'in a give sentence. This number is used by the server to determine which
'instance of a preposition to check if there are multiple occurances in the

Dim sentenceIterator As Integer
'with reference to objDocument.sentences
Dim wordIterator As Integer
'with reference to objDocument.sentences(sentenceIterator).words

Const confThreshold As Double = 0.1

Const Root As String = "C:\Prepositions"
Const perl As String = "C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe"
Const perlScript As String = Root & "\"
Const DoneFileLoc As String = Root & "\preposition.don"
Const OutputFile As String = Root & "\outputFile.txt"
Const TargetFile As String = Root & "\targets2.txt"

Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)

Sub changeWordText(newWord As String)

'changes the text of the word currently selected by wordIterator
'(except any trailing spaces) to newWord

objDocument.Sentences(sentenceIterator).Words(wordIterator).Text = _

Replace(objDocument.Sentences(sentenceIterator).Words(wordIterator).Text, _


End Sub

Private Sub Doze(ByVal lngPeriod As Long)
Sleep lngPeriod
End Sub

Function ReadFile(FileName As String) As String()
'adapted from

Dim Line As String
Dim Results() As String

Open FileName For Input As #1
i = 0
Do While Not EOF(1) 'Loop until end of file
Input #1, Line 'Read data into two variables
ReDim Preserve Results(i)
Results(i) = Line
i = i + 1
'MsgBox (Line) 'Show variable contents in message box

Close #1

ReadFile = Results()

End Function
Private Function ContainsItem(col As Collection, val As Variant) As Boolean
' obtained from

Dim itm As Variant
On Error Resume Next
itm = col.Item(val)
ContainsItem = Not (Err.Number = 5 Or Err.Number = 9)
On Error GoTo 0

End Function

Function TrimSpace(strInput As String) As String
' adapted from MSDN
' This procedure trims extra space from any part of
' a string.

Dim astrInput() As String
Dim astrText() As String
Dim strElement As String
Dim lngCount As Long
Dim lngIncr As Long

Dim temp As Boolean
bool = False
bool = (strInput = "")

'filter out unwanted carriage returns
strInput = Replace(strInput, vbLf, "")
strInput = Replace(strInput, vbCr, "")

If (Len(strInput) = 0) Then
TrimSpace = ""
GoTo TheEnd
End If

' Split passed-in string.
astrInput = Split(strInput)

' Resize second array to be same size.
ReDim astrText(UBound(astrInput))

' Initialize counter variable for second array.
lngIncr = LBound(astrInput)
' Loop through split array, looking for
' non-zero-length strings.
For lngCount = LBound(astrInput) To UBound(astrInput)
strElement = astrInput(lngCount)
If (Len(strElement) > 0) Then
' Store in second array.
astrText(lngIncr) = strElement
lngIncr = lngIncr + 1
End If
' Resize new array.
ReDim Preserve astrText(LBound(astrText) To lngIncr - 1)

' Join new array to return string.
TrimSpace = Join(astrText)
End Function

Function NextInstance() As String()
'Returns an array with three strings:
' -the status: "error", "no more", or "found mistake"
' -the preposition that is found
' -the sentence in which the error occurs
' sets the global word iterator to the location of the preposition, so it
' can be replaced

'Begin searching the current sentence (global sentence iterator) for the next
'preposition. If none found, move to the next sentence. Repeat until a
'preposition is found. If there are no more sentences, return "no more".

Dim ReturnVal(2) As String

Dim found As Boolean
found = False

'move wordIterator forward to avoid finding the same preposition twice
wordIterator = wordIterator + 1

While (sentenceIterator < objDocument.Sentences.Count + 1 And Not found)
If (GetNextTarget) Then
found = True
sentenceIterator = sentenceIterator + 1
wordIterator = 1
Set indexTracker = New Collection
For i = 0 To UBound(targetArray)
indexTracker.Add 0, targetArray(i)
Next i
End If

If (Not found) Then
ReturnVal(0) = "No more"
ReturnVal(1) = ""
ReturnVal(2) = ""
Dim sentence As String
ReturnVal(0) = "found mistake"
ReturnVal(1) =
sentence = TrimSpace(objDocument.Sentences(sentenceIterator))
ReturnVal(2) = Replace(sentence, """", "")
End If

NextInstance = ReturnVal()

End Function

Function GetNextTarget() As Boolean

'move the word iterator forward until it hits the end of the sentence, or
'or it hits a preposition. Return true if we hit a preposition; false

Dim found As Boolean
found = False

While (wordIterator < objDocument.Sentences(sentenceIterator).Words.Count +
1 And Not found)
theWord =
If (ContainsItem(targets, theWord)) Then
found = True
'increase the index for this word
newCount = indexTracker.Item(theWord) + 1
indexTracker.Remove (theWord)
indexTracker.Add newCount, theWord

'indexTracker.Item(theWord) = indexTracker
wordIterator = wordIterator + 1
End If

GetNextTarget = found
End Function

Sub Init()

'Think this needs to change
Set objDocument = ActiveDocument
Set targets = New Collection
Set indexTracker = New Collection

Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

'remove the file perl will write, if it exists
If fs.FileExists(OutputFile) Then
Kill OutputFile
End If
If fs.FileExists(DoneFileLoc) Then
Kill DoneFileLoc
End If

sentenceIterator = 1
wordIterator = 1

targetArray = ReadFile(TargetFile)

For i = 0 To UBound(targetArray)
targets.Add targetArray(i), targetArray(i)
indexTracker.Add 0, targetArray(i)
Next i

'MsgBox ("size of target array: " & (UBound(targetArray) + 1))

End Sub

Function getAlternatives(target As String, sentence As String) As String()

'remove the file perl will write, if it exists
If fs.FileExists(OutputFile) Then
Kill OutputFile
End If
If fs.FileExists(DoneFileLoc) Then
'MsgBox ("Done file exists before call")
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Kill DoneFileLoc
End If

GoTo EndHandler
errorCount = errorCount + 1

Resume TryAgain

Index = indexTracker(target)
perlcall = perl & " " & perlScript & " " & target & " " & Index & " " & """"
& sentence & """"
'MsgBox (perlcall)
ID = Shell(perlcall, vbHide)

If fs.FileExists(DoneFileLoc) Then
MsgBox ("Done file exists after call")
'Kill DoneFileLoc
End If


In which case there's not much point persisting with this. Those files are critical to the macro's function. In any event, you
should take note of the following notice from that site:
See page:

[Microsoft MVP - Word]

Designingsally said:
Yes Macropod.

Unfortunately I dont have those files. I found that particular code from the

I believe this code is very useful but i m unable to contact the guys from
the university.
I believe in Hope.


macropod said:
Hi Sally,

Is this the same problem you reported at:
and do you now have the files you lacked at that time?

[Microsoft MVP - Word]

Designingsally said:
Hi This is a pretty big big. I ll be extremely extremely glad if someone
corrects this code. I found this code somewhere in the internet.
Thanks a ton in advance.

The code is as follow:

Dim objDocument As Document
Dim fs

Dim targets As Collection
Dim targetArray() As String

Dim indexTracker As Collection
'contains the count for each preposition as we search for new prepositions
'in a give sentence. This number is used by the server to determine which
'instance of a preposition to check if there are multiple occurances in the

Dim sentenceIterator As Integer
'with reference to objDocument.sentences
Dim wordIterator As Integer
'with reference to objDocument.sentences(sentenceIterator).words

Const confThreshold As Double = 0.1

Const Root As String = "C:\Prepositions"
Const perl As String = "C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe"
Const perlScript As String = Root & "\"
Const DoneFileLoc As String = Root & "\preposition.don"
Const OutputFile As String = Root & "\outputFile.txt"
Const TargetFile As String = Root & "\targets2.txt"

Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)

Sub changeWordText(newWord As String)

'changes the text of the word currently selected by wordIterator
'(except any trailing spaces) to newWord

objDocument.Sentences(sentenceIterator).Words(wordIterator).Text = _

Replace(objDocument.Sentences(sentenceIterator).Words(wordIterator).Text, _


End Sub

Private Sub Doze(ByVal lngPeriod As Long)
Sleep lngPeriod
End Sub

Function ReadFile(FileName As String) As String()
'adapted from

Dim Line As String
Dim Results() As String

Open FileName For Input As #1
i = 0
Do While Not EOF(1) 'Loop until end of file
Input #1, Line 'Read data into two variables
ReDim Preserve Results(i)
Results(i) = Line
i = i + 1
'MsgBox (Line) 'Show variable contents in message box

Close #1

ReadFile = Results()

End Function
Private Function ContainsItem(col As Collection, val As Variant) As Boolean
' obtained from

Dim itm As Variant
On Error Resume Next
itm = col.Item(val)
ContainsItem = Not (Err.Number = 5 Or Err.Number = 9)
On Error GoTo 0

End Function

Function TrimSpace(strInput As String) As String
' adapted from MSDN
' This procedure trims extra space from any part of
' a string.

Dim astrInput() As String
Dim astrText() As String
Dim strElement As String
Dim lngCount As Long
Dim lngIncr As Long

Dim temp As Boolean
bool = False
bool = (strInput = "")

'filter out unwanted carriage returns
strInput = Replace(strInput, vbLf, "")
strInput = Replace(strInput, vbCr, "")

If (Len(strInput) = 0) Then
TrimSpace = ""
GoTo TheEnd
End If

' Split passed-in string.
astrInput = Split(strInput)

' Resize second array to be same size.
ReDim astrText(UBound(astrInput))

' Initialize counter variable for second array.
lngIncr = LBound(astrInput)
' Loop through split array, looking for
' non-zero-length strings.
For lngCount = LBound(astrInput) To UBound(astrInput)
strElement = astrInput(lngCount)
If (Len(strElement) > 0) Then
' Store in second array.
astrText(lngIncr) = strElement
lngIncr = lngIncr + 1
End If
' Resize new array.
ReDim Preserve astrText(LBound(astrText) To lngIncr - 1)

' Join new array to return string.
TrimSpace = Join(astrText)
End Function

Function NextInstance() As String()
'Returns an array with three strings:
' -the status: "error", "no more", or "found mistake"
' -the preposition that is found
' -the sentence in which the error occurs
' sets the global word iterator to the location of the preposition, so it
' can be replaced

'Begin searching the current sentence (global sentence iterator) for the next
'preposition. If none found, move to the next sentence. Repeat until a
'preposition is found. If there are no more sentences, return "no more".

Dim ReturnVal(2) As String

Dim found As Boolean
found = False

'move wordIterator forward to avoid finding the same preposition twice
wordIterator = wordIterator + 1

While (sentenceIterator < objDocument.Sentences.Count + 1 And Not found)
If (GetNextTarget) Then
found = True
sentenceIterator = sentenceIterator + 1
wordIterator = 1
Set indexTracker = New Collection
For i = 0 To UBound(targetArray)
indexTracker.Add 0, targetArray(i)
Next i
End If

If (Not found) Then
ReturnVal(0) = "No more"
ReturnVal(1) = ""
ReturnVal(2) = ""
Dim sentence As String
ReturnVal(0) = "found mistake"
ReturnVal(1) =
sentence = TrimSpace(objDocument.Sentences(sentenceIterator))
ReturnVal(2) = Replace(sentence, """", "")
End If

NextInstance = ReturnVal()

End Function

Function GetNextTarget() As Boolean

'move the word iterator forward until it hits the end of the sentence, or
'or it hits a preposition. Return true if we hit a preposition; false

Dim found As Boolean
found = False

While (wordIterator < objDocument.Sentences(sentenceIterator).Words.Count +
1 And Not found)
theWord =
If (ContainsItem(targets, theWord)) Then
found = True
'increase the index for this word
newCount = indexTracker.Item(theWord) + 1
indexTracker.Remove (theWord)
indexTracker.Add newCount, theWord

'indexTracker.Item(theWord) = indexTracker
wordIterator = wordIterator + 1
End If

GetNextTarget = found
End Function

Sub Init()

'Think this needs to change
Set objDocument = ActiveDocument
Set targets = New Collection
Set indexTracker = New Collection

Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

'remove the file perl will write, if it exists
If fs.FileExists(OutputFile) Then
Kill OutputFile
End If
If fs.FileExists(DoneFileLoc) Then
Kill DoneFileLoc
End If

sentenceIterator = 1
wordIterator = 1

targetArray = ReadFile(TargetFile)

For i = 0 To UBound(targetArray)
targets.Add targetArray(i), targetArray(i)
indexTracker.Add 0, targetArray(i)
Next i

'MsgBox ("size of target array: " & (UBound(targetArray) + 1))

End Sub

Function getAlternatives(target As String, sentence As String) As String()

'remove the file perl will write, if it exists
If fs.FileExists(OutputFile) Then
Kill OutputFile
End If
If fs.FileExists(DoneFileLoc) Then
'MsgBox ("Done file exists before call")
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Kill DoneFileLoc
End If

GoTo EndHandler
errorCount = errorCount + 1

Resume TryAgain

Index = indexTracker(target)
perlcall = perl & " " & perlScript & " " & target & " " & Index & " " & """"
& sentence & """"
'MsgBox (perlcall)
ID = Shell(perlcall, vbHide)

If fs.FileExists(DoneFileLoc) Then
MsgBox ("Done file exists after call")
'Kill DoneFileLoc
End If

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