I am attempting to create .asp code that will send an Outlook calendar
invitation based on an online class registration. The following is a link to
MSDN document that satifies the desired outcome.
However, I am unable to determine if the following values are just provided
as fillers and need to be changed to application specific values -
' Meeting item.
strMtgItem = "testmeeting.eml"
' Meeting request item.
strMtgRequestItem = "testmeetingrequest.eml"
' URI of the user's calendar folder.
strCalendarUri = "http://" & strExchSvrName & "/exchange/" _
& strMailbox & "/Calendar/"
and the following
' Create the meeting item in the organizer's calendar folder.
bResult = False
bResult = CreateMeeting(strCalendarUri & strMtgItem,
strMtgRequest, MyCredentialCache)
and finally
' Create the meeting request item in the organizer's
bResult = False
bResult = CreateMeeting(strCalendarUri &
strMtgRequestItem, _
strMtgRequest, MyCredentialCache)
I am most concerned about the strMtgItem and strMtgRequestItem variables
that hold the "testmeeting.eml" and "testmeetingrequest.eml" values. What are
these eml files? Do they actually exist, or is the value a placeholder?
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
invitation based on an online class registration. The following is a link to
MSDN document that satifies the desired outcome.
However, I am unable to determine if the following values are just provided
as fillers and need to be changed to application specific values -
' Meeting item.
strMtgItem = "testmeeting.eml"
' Meeting request item.
strMtgRequestItem = "testmeetingrequest.eml"
' URI of the user's calendar folder.
strCalendarUri = "http://" & strExchSvrName & "/exchange/" _
& strMailbox & "/Calendar/"
and the following
' Create the meeting item in the organizer's calendar folder.
bResult = False
bResult = CreateMeeting(strCalendarUri & strMtgItem,
strMtgRequest, MyCredentialCache)
and finally
' Create the meeting request item in the organizer's
bResult = False
bResult = CreateMeeting(strCalendarUri &
strMtgRequestItem, _
strMtgRequest, MyCredentialCache)
I am most concerned about the strMtgItem and strMtgRequestItem variables
that hold the "testmeeting.eml" and "testmeetingrequest.eml" values. What are
these eml files? Do they actually exist, or is the value a placeholder?
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.