Can someone please help?



I have a document that is created in MS Word 2000. It is set up with form
fields. The document is protected and all we have to do is tab to each
field and type in our info for each field.

I have one column with about 5 fields, and then a field for the total at the
bottom of that column. How can I program the fields in that column to add
and have the total of those fields appear automatically in the field at the
bottom of that column?

Thank you for any assistance anyone can give me.

Frederick Kawa


Here's how I did it:

To add, say two fields together, insert a Word field where you want the
tresult to show using Menu-Insert-Field.
Select "= Formula" for the type of field to add and put the following
formula in the formula box: { = (Text1+Text2)\*MERGEFORMAT }

Where "Text1" and "Text2" are the bookmark names of the form fields you want
to add in your document. Be sure to format them for numbers and not text.
Also, click "Calculate on Exit" on the last bookmark field you want added.

Good luck.

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