Can someone work their magic (Good SS that I wish to make better) - Lancefer's Pop ME '03-'04 Temp.z



Sorry for size, I cut the years 1890-2002 and just left 03 and 04.
Original size is over 18 Megs.

This is a current listing of Hot 100 songs from Billboard, current as
of Aug 28 2004.

View the tabs at the bottom for an explaination of what the column
data means.


What I would like help with...

Notice the Right side "Weekly Data", I would like to do a mouse-over
on any particular chart position and have a date pop-up. For Example:
04-001 Nickelback - Entry date is 8-23-2003, where is charted at
number 81 for that week...the next nember is the next weeks position
(76) I would like to mouse-over it and have it display 8-30-2004.
Would like the date to come up even if there is no data in the cell.

I have worked nearly a half decade on this spreadsheet, And this may
be an excellent file for newbies to get familiar with Excel...(Because
the data is a little more interesting and well known) ...try new
things, etc. If anyone has any ideas to improve the SS, please let me
know. Go ahead a play with it and see what you can do and e-mail it
back to me (don't post in NG unless requested).

Also, is there any way to make the file smaller by merging data
(Artist names maybe)?

My E-Mail - lancefer@wnonline(nospam).net