Can SQL databases be created from InfoPath Form xml schema directl



I see where you can have a SQL database and create InfoPath forms from the
data - and I see how you can update and query data from SQL -- But my
question is: Can I have an InfoPath form - and have a SQL database created
(automagically or with tool) based on the xml schema of the InfoPath form?

Basically I want to go "the other direction" from what I have been reading.




I am new to InfoPath and I posted a similar question to yours except I
wanted InfoPath to add records to an existing Microsoft Access database.

48 hours after posting the question I found my own soultion and it does work.

Try URL -
H:\Development\Microsoft Office Assistance How-to guide Connecting an
InfoPath form to an Access database.htm

One important note - You do not require the Northwind database.
You can create your own or use an existing Microsoft Access Database.
Important it must have a Primary Key

Naturally I cannot guarantee the same result with SQL Server but I cannot
see why not.

Good luck


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