The place to set stationery or a theme as the default is in Tools | Options |
Mail Format. You might also find the information at!C1013F1F9A99E3D8!230.entry
Following the instructions in the blog referenced above, I was able to create a
custom theme, using FP2003, and then created a page using it, and finally saved
that page as a htm file. I then copied that htm file and the folder of the same
name to my vista client computer. After several tries, I put the folder in the
following directory: %userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Stationery. Now,
when I first looked for the stationery directory, it did not exist, so I had to
create it.
When I did the first test, my stationery was not there. So I looked in that
directory that was created when I saved the web page as a htm file. There was
only a css file. Knowing that there should be a background tag on the body of
the page, I searched for body, found the tag, which indicated that the .jpg file
was in the same directory. I went back to the FP client computer, found the
.jpg file, and copied jpg file over to the proper sub folder in ...\Stationery,
and the stationery then appeared in the more stationery list in Outlook07.
I have yet to find where, in the Vista computer, to put actual theme folder from
FP03 computer to make it show. But, having found how to make it appear as
stationery, I am rapidly losing interest.