Can sumproduct do this......



What I need is to have a formula that will find out if someone has worked a
My shifts run 5 am to 11am, 11am to 1:30pm, 1:30pm to 5:00.
Col A = employee's name
Col B = Clock in
Col C = Clock out
Col D = Total hours
Col E = Rate of Pay
Col F = Total of D*E
How if Sue works for 7$ an hour and works 9am to 4:30pm I need to know how
may hours she worked for the diff shifts she worked. In another col i need to
know what the total of Col F is for each shift.

Any help would be Great and Thanks


OK I guess I'm not getting this becuse its not working Is your formula to go
with the sumproduct or by its self. because Im gett 0.23958 is the answer. I
guess im more of a noob than i thought

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