Can table footnotes appear beneath table?


Barb Sez

Is there a way to get a footnote on a paragraph in a table cell to appear
beneath the table, rather than at the bottom of the page?

When I insert the footnote, it seems to make no difference if I select
Beneath Text or Bottom of Page--the footnote text always appears at the
bottom of the page.

Word 2003


Suzanne S. Barnhill

"Beneath text" means immediately below all the text on the page rather than
at the bottom margin (if the text on the page runs short). To get a footnote
immediately beneath the table (unless the table consumes a full page),
you'll have to fake it. This is what I usually do, anyway. I use numbers for
ordinary footnotes, and it is conventional to use either letters or
alternative reference marks (the asterisk, dagger, double dagger series) in
tables (letters especially if the tables are all numbers). Just insert these
characters manually and type the notes manually at the bottom of the table.
Especially if the table is narrower than the margin width, I usually put the
notes in the (merged) bottom row of the table.

Barb Sez

Thank you, Suzanne. I kind of figured I would have to do something like this.
I vaguely recall this from the last time someone made me use Word to write a

Barb Sez


I have not try tables and footnotes but it seems you would need to make a
section break or page break at the bottom of the table so the foot note would
appear in the proper footnote place(holder) at the end of the page. The
addition of the unique table page you have created can more for more text
directed to informing your reader of the value found in the table as well as
adding room for you to employ more unique ideas and formatting in the design
of your table since the table and footnote now occupy the space at the end of
the page.--
Accounting Diploma, Associate in Science Degree, Bachelor of Business
Administration, Master of Business Administration Accounting and Finance
International Business,Student AMDS PhD Walden University

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