Can text flow from one cell to another?



I want to make a template for my middle school students to type in a magazine
article they wrote. I've created a template already using text boxes & image
place holders, but I would like to use tables because I feel that it's
"cleaner." the problem is, I don't know how to make text "flow" from one
cell to another like I can do with text boxes. I don't want to merge cells,
because I want the text to be in small columns (like a magazine or
newspaper). Tables would make it easier for me to design the page because I
have much more control of the borders & shading.

I searched the knowledge base for similar questions and I couldn't find one.
I would think this would be a common thing people would consider doing, or
am I just missing one simple option change. Thanks for any assistance!

Stefan Blom

Text cannot flow between table cells; if you want to use them, you would
have to manually cut and paste text from one cell to the next.

Actually, Word has limited capabilities for newsletter formatting.
Linked text boxes is the closest you can get to "dividing" the page into
rectangular areas, each of with has newspaper style columns.

The best solution would be to use Publisher, I think. Unlike Word, it
was designed to be page layout software.

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

in message
news:[email protected]...

Klaus Linke

Hi Enstrique,

You could put text boxes inline into the table cells, and link them.
But that's pretty cumbersome because the text boxes won't resize
automatically if you change the table cell/column widths later on.

If you want to try anyway, you could use a macro to set the width of the
text boxes to the width of the cells they are in.
Of course, that'll work best if the table cells *have* definite widths and

The macro assumes you'll do the margins/padding through the table cell
padding, not through text box margins.
That way, it will be a little easier to see and navigate the table, which
else would be completely hidden by the text boxes.

Dim myShape As Shape
For Each myShape In ActiveDocument.Shapes
If myShape.Type = msoTextBox And _
myShape.WrapFormat.Type = wdWrapInline And _
myShape.Anchor.Information(wdWithInTable) Then
' set textbox margins to zero;
' do the margins with cell padding instead:
With myShape.TextFrame
.MarginLeft = 0
.MarginRight = 0
.MarginTop = 0
.MarginBottom = 0
End With
With myShape.Anchor.Cells(1)
myShape.Width = .Width _
- .LeftPadding _
- .RightPadding
If .Height <> wdUndefined Then
myShape.Height = .Height
' - .TopPadding _
' - .BottomPadding
' (not sure why the difference width/height?)
End If
End With
End If
Next myShape


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