Can the Outlook Connector be used with a gmail or ymail account?



I have a problem with send/receive in Outlook 2003 with my gmail account. I
posted about that issue on January 2, and the problem has not yet been
resolved. Outlook at that time started doing the send/receive with gmail
very slowly, and then gets hung up before finishing the send/receive.

I have since that time heard of the Outlook Connector for hotmail accounts,
and am wondering if that can be used with gmail, and if that might be a
possible solution to my problem. Can the Outlook Connector be used with

Thanks, Larry

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]


Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

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How to ask a question:

After furious head scratching, Larry asked:

| I have a problem with send/receive in Outlook 2003 with my gmail
| account. I posted about that issue on January 2, and the problem has
| not yet been resolved. Outlook at that time started doing the
| send/receive with gmail very slowly, and then gets hung up before
| finishing the send/receive.
| I have since that time heard of the Outlook Connector for hotmail
| accounts, and am wondering if that can be used with gmail, and if
| that might be a possible solution to my problem. Can the Outlook
| Connector be used with gmail?
| Thanks, Larry

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