Can this adjusted GPA formual be accomplised?

  • Thread starter Chris Cred via
  • Start date

Chris Cred via

I'm trying to write a formula that will calculate an adjusted GPA for college.
I've tried tons of different senarios and still cannot figure it out. I'll
post instructions on how to actually calculate the grade on paper so if
anyone wants to take a crack at it please do.

The poblem I'm having is that when you adjust a GPA you must only use the
quality points and credit hours from the newest grade if greater than the
first grade and not count the first quality points and hours.

Here the instructions...

(with first grade of "D" and the repeat grade being a "B")

Sue made these grades during her first term at KSU:

MATH 1101 = A 3 hours (x) 4 quality points (for A) = 12
POLS 1101 = D 3 hours (x) 1 quality point (for F) = 3

Total Hours = 6 Total quality points = 15

Use the formula: Quality points divided by hours attempted = GPA
15 divided by 6 = 2.50 GPA for the Term
(quality points) (hours attempted) (term grade point average)

Sue made these grades during her next term at KSU:

ENGL 1101 = C 3 hours (x) 2 quality points (for C) = 6
POLS 1101 = B 3 hours (x) 3 quality point (for B) = 9

Total Hours = 6 Total quality points = 15

Use the formula: Quality points divided by hours attempted = GPA
15 divided by 6 = 2.50 GPA for the Term
(quality points) (hours attempted) (term grade point average)

First, determine the Cumulative GPA:
Add quality points from both terms
15 + 15 = 30

Add hours from both terms
6 + 6 = 12

Use the formula: Total quality points divided by hours attempted = GPA
30 divided by 12 = 2.50
(total quality points) (total hours) (Cumulative GPA)

(Note: Both POLS 1101 classes are used in this calculation.)

Next, recalculate for your Adjusted GPA:
Add quality points from both terms
12 + 15 = 27

(Note: when you add your quality points for both terms, only count the
quality points for the POLS 1101 "B" grade. Do not include the quality points
for the other POLS 1101 "D" grade.)

Add hours from both terms
3 + 6 = 9

(Note: when you add your hours for both terms, only count the hours for POLS
1101 with the "B" grade as 3 hours. Do not include the 3 hours from the other
POLS 1101 "D" grade.)

Use the formula: Total quality points divided by hours attempted = GPA
27 divided by 9 = 3.00
(total quality points) (total hours) (Adjusted GPA)

(Note: Only one POLS 1101 class was used in this calculation - the one with
the higher grade of "B".)

Chris Cred via

for some reason a large portion of my post went under the signature. Just
expand the signature to read the remaining post.

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