Can this be done? / Feature Request


Amos Soma

When I enter text on a page, a gray box surrounds the text and allows me to
move the text around and resize etc. I would like to fill the area contained
within the box with a particular color. This would be much like you can fill
a table cell in a Word table, or a cell in Excel, with a particular color.
I don't see any way to do this with ON 2007 Beta 2. Is this possible?


Rainald Taesler

Amos Soma shared these words of wisdom:

Hi Amos,
When I enter text on a page, a gray box surrounds the text and
allows me to move the text around and resize etc. I would like
to fill the area contained within the box with a particular

I'd rather compare it to differently coloured PostIt notes ;-)
This would be much like you can fill a table cell in a
Word table, or a cell in Excel, with a particular color. I don't
see any way to do this with ON 2007 Beta 2. Is this possible?

No. There are only limited features for editing in ON.
A background colour can neither be set for a container, nor cells in a
table. This can be done only for a whole page (using a template).

I'd suggest that you post a suggestion in Connect and let us know so
that we can vote for it


Amos said:
When I enter text on a page, a gray box surrounds the text and allows me to
move the text around and resize etc. I would like to fill the area contained
within the box with a particular color. This would be much like you can fill
a table cell in a Word table, or a cell in Excel, with a particular color.
I don't see any way to do this with ON 2007 Beta 2. Is this possible?


Why ?

What purpose would this serve ?

Amos Soma

I find myself sometimes wondering if people stop to think before responding
to messages. This is a good example.

Why would a user want to fill an Excel cell with a particular color? Why
would a user want to fill a table cell in Word with a particular color?
Because it can be useful means to distinguish one cell from another. Or, in
the case of ON, one block of text from another. If it's a good idea in Word
or Excel, maybe it might be a good idea in ON too.

Rainald Taesler

Ben M. Schorr - MVP shared these words of wisdom:
He could improvise it, I guess, by using the highlighter and
just "coloring" in the area.

Sorry to say so, very poor workaround, IMHO.
a) Premature construction of highlighting:
Highlights don't stick to the text when the container is moved or text
added/deleted. Unfortunately no way to tie a highlight to the place it
belongs too [siiiigh].

b) When printing highlighted text to a PDF, the highlight is sitting
on top of the text and the underlying text is not readable at all.

What would work would be colouring the text.
But that would look anything but good.


Rainald Taesler

Amos Soma shared these words of wisdom:
I find myself sometimes wondering if people stop to think before
responding to messages. This is a good example.

Only too true. :-( :-(
Why would a user want to fill an Excel cell with a particular
color? Why would a user want to fill a table cell in Word with a
particular color? Because it can be useful means to distinguish
one cell from another. Or, in the case of ON, one block of text
from another. If it's a good idea in Word or Excel, maybe it
might be a good idea in ON too.

I fully agree. Colouring cells and/or containers seem to be a
necessary feature to me. At least better highlighting would urgently
be needed.


Kathy Jacobs

An idea: What about creating a flag for this purpose? If you set the flag to
have a highlight color, you can apply it to just that cell. It doesn't
completely fill the cell background as it does in Word or Excel, but it does
completely fill the background of the text in the cell....

(Now, if you are outside a table, be aware that applying the flag will
highlight the whole paragraph, but that sounds like what you want to do

Would that work?

Kathryn Jacobs, Microsoft MVP PowerPoint and OneNote
Author of Kathy Jacobs on PowerPoint - Available now from Holy Macro! Books
Get PowerPoint and OneNote information at

I believe life is meant to be lived. But:
if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived


I think having the ability to change the container color is a fantastik idea.
All the other "ideas" in this thread seem to be trying to avoid the obvious
--- there are many different colors of postit notes, tables have multiple
colors, etc. Good feature suggestion.

And while you are at it... have the highlighter tool ink automatically
"stick" to the object highlighted. That way highlighted text will always
stay highlighted even if the text is moved.
Thanks -Norm

Rainald Taesler said:
Ben M. Schorr - MVP shared these words of wisdom:
He could improvise it, I guess, by using the highlighter and
just "coloring" in the area.

Sorry to say so, very poor workaround, IMHO.
a) Premature construction of highlighting:
Highlights don't stick to the text when the container is moved or text
added/deleted. Unfortunately no way to tie a highlight to the place it
belongs too [siiiigh].

b) When printing highlighted text to a PDF, the highlight is sitting
on top of the text and the underlying text is not readable at all.

What would work would be colouring the text.
But that would look anything but good.


Rainald Taesler

Norm said:
I think having the ability to change the container color is a
fantastik idea. All the other "ideas" in this thread seem to be
trying to avoid the obvious --- there are many different colors of
postit notes, tables have multiple colors, etc. Good feature

I second this idea. It would be useful.
And while you are at it... have the highlighter tool ink
"stick" to the object highlighted. That way highlighted text will
always stay highlighted even if the text is moved.

As said before: A really bad situation in the current and upcoming
Adding the feature to group objects might easily solve the problem.


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