Can this be done w/ forms?



I am trying to create a form in FrontPage 2000. I need
it to be a very basic form, just one question, with one
of two answers. But depending on the answer chosen, I
need the visitor to be directed to separate pages. For
example, I will ask them if they are ordering from within
the UK or outside the UK. If they are ordering from
within, they get directed to the UK order form, and if
they are ordering from outside the UK, they get directed
to the other order form. I guess that maybe a form isn't
really what I need here... but I'm not sure how to make
this work. I don't want to use a hyperlink to these
separate forms (actually, my client doesn't want me to
use hyperlinks - he wants them to select a radio button,
and upon hitting submit, they get directed to the proper
page). Anyone know the best way to set this up, if this
is possible?

Thanks in advance!!!




It sounds like your client wants you to learn script in a

With a standard FrontPage form, you can't select a radio
and then submit to one form or the other.

You could easily have a preliminary page with a hyperlink
DD to one or the other of the form pages.

You could even use two submit buttons outside of a form
used as hyperlinks.

Like this

<Input Type=Button Value="US Order" onClick="location.
href='usorder.htm'" style="font-size: 10pt; color:
#008080; font-weight: bold; background-color: #EFEFEF;
border: 1 solid #008080">&nbsp;&nbsp;
<Input Type=Button Value="UK Order" onClick="location.
href='ukorder.htm'" style="font-size: 10pt; color:
#008080; font-weight: bold; background-color: #EFEFEF;
border: 1 solid #008080">

You would of course substitute your form page URLs.

This would look and appear like a form submission, but you
wouldn't have to write any code. And, it might appeal to
your client.

Visit my form tutorials

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