Can this be done?



Hello all. I am utilizing Visio 2003 and Word 2002. I have embedded several
files into the Visio drawing. I would like to know if it is possible to link
to those embedded documents from another page within Visio. Just trying to
keep the file size down by not embedding the same file in several places. So
I would like to be able to click on one shape and have it open a document
that has been embedded and associated with another shape. Thanks in advance!

Chris Roth [MVP]


My guess is that you can't do this. Unless there is some sort of
standardized path format that would lead to the embedded object.

For instance, I think you can hyperlink to a bookmark in a Word document
with a path/address that looks something like this:

link = "C:\my files\some word doc.doc#a_bookmark". I believe that Visio can
follow through to the bit after the "#". I just don't know that there is any
path-syntax that will get you to- and inside-of an embedded object.

Hopefully someone else out there knows this more definitively than I do...

Hope this helps,

Chris Roth
Visio MVP

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