Yes I have done that already on the record how can I now get this to input
You can add a command button to the form to set the default value of the "Next
Service Date" control to "Next Service Date" plus the value of "Days To Next
Service" as obtained from the current record:
'Make sure record is saved
If Me.Dirty Then Me.Dirty = False
'Only set DefaultValue if there is a value in current record
If Len(Me![Next Service Date] & vbNullString) > 0 Then
Me.txtNextServiceDate.DefaultValue = _
DateAdd("d",Nz(Me![Days To Next Service], 0),Me![Next Service Date]
End If
You need to replace "Next Service Date" with the date field on your form,
"txtNextServiceDate" with the name of the control to which you want to assign
the new date value and "Days To Next Service" with the name of the field in
which you store the "Days" to next service.
Is this what you are looking for?