I know you can pause a macro for a certain number of milliseconds using
Public Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" _
(ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)
Option Private Module
but I want to know the time between a certain number of iterations. The
code runs too fast per iteration to calculate using seconds, and I can't seem
to figure out how to measure more precisely. My code is as follows:
Function timeRemaining(lastTime, curRow, endRow, cycles)
lastTime = CDbl(lastTime)
Dim timeNow As Double
Dim cyclesLeft As Long
timeNow = CDbl(Time)
cyclesLeft = Int((endRow - curRow) / cycles)
timeRemaining = format(CDate((timeNow - lastTime) * cyclesLeft), "h:mm:ss")
lastTime = CDbl(Time)
End Function
Thanks for your help,
Public Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" _
(ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)
Option Private Module
but I want to know the time between a certain number of iterations. The
code runs too fast per iteration to calculate using seconds, and I can't seem
to figure out how to measure more precisely. My code is as follows:
Function timeRemaining(lastTime, curRow, endRow, cycles)
lastTime = CDbl(lastTime)
Dim timeNow As Double
Dim cyclesLeft As Long
timeNow = CDbl(Time)
cyclesLeft = Int((endRow - curRow) / cycles)
timeRemaining = format(CDate((timeNow - lastTime) * cyclesLeft), "h:mm:ss")
lastTime = CDbl(Time)
End Function
Thanks for your help,