TH --
The default permissions for the My Projects category do not include "All
current and future projects..." This means that someone intentionally
selected that setting in the My Projects category. To set up the security
environment you want, you will need to set that Category back to the default
options in the Projects section, which are:
Only the projects indicated
The User is the Project Owner or the User is the Status Manager on
assignments within that Project
The User is on that project's Project Team
A resource on the project's Project Team is a descendant of the User via
If you only want your PMs to see the projects they actually manage, then
only select the "The User is the Project Owner or the User is the Status
Manager on assignments within that Project" option. However, based on the
description of your original problem, resetting the My Projects category to
the default settings will prevent multiple PMs from opening and editing the
project. Hope this helps.
TH --
You are more than welcome, my friend!
Great! Thanks Dale.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
I'd like to ask you a follow up question from our last discussion.
What permission settings I'll have to use in Project server 2007 if I
want to restrict the project managers access to projects which they
own? Currently, I've assigned all project managers to "project
Manager" group and this group has access to "My Organization", 'My
Personal Projects" and "My Projects" categories. Two of these
Categories - 'My Org' and 'My Projects' have 'All current and
Future....' selection.