Can we change default formats for text boxes?


Bruce Bagamery

Is there any way to change the default formatting for a
text box. I prefer no line and no interal margins among
other things, and I'd appreciate not having to reformat
every single text box I create individually.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Yes, but...

1. Change the formatting of the text box to the settings you prefer and exit
the Format Text Box dialog.

2. Right-click on the edge of the text box and click on Set AutoShape

That will set the default for the current document. If you want to set it
for all documents, you must do this in (or whatever other
document template you're using). Note, however, that these defaults will
affect *all* AutoShapes. If you're using only text boxes, this is no
problem, but just remember what you've done the first time you try to draw a
line or shape and it disappears!

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA
Word MVP FAQ site:
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup so
all may benefit.


I've found that in W97 & W2002, if you change the internal
margins and click set autoshape defaults, the internal
margins changes are only remembered for new text boxes
until you close the document. When you start another
document, they go back to the default values (0.1" for
left and right, 0.05" for top and bottom).

Is there anyway around this?


Oops sorry, I didn't read all of your reply. The answer to
my comment (see previous message) was already there.

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