Can we deliver training in OneNote without giving away our materials?


William Bernat

We want to use OneNote to deliver training classes. However, we do not want to give away the source documents for our training classes to every student, which is effectively what we're doing if we give them a OneNote of the class. I'm talking about students in the classroom or over web getting actual copies of the OneNote files and using OneNote for note-taking during class

Can the OneNote files be locked or anything like that such that the students can see the content in OneNote, use it for note taking, and yet not be able to modify our course materials to create their own rebranded or changed versions of our training materials?



The general answer is No. You can make sections read-only as a part of the
operating system (right-click>>Properties>>Check the Read-Only checkbox),
but you can't make specific pages read-only. Even if you could lock them
from being modified, a person could screen capture your materials and still
use them as their own documents.


William Bernat

Thanks Michael,

Part of the reason for going to OneNote would be the HTML generation (via
the powertool). Even with PDFs or HTML people can copy your material if
they're dedicated. That's okay. What we want to avoid is people getting the
souce. Kind of the difference between distributing a PDF or distributing a
Word document used to create the PDF.

In any case, it sounds like the answer is no.


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